Saturday, December 22, 2012

Life Changes with a little change left over...

I guess today I need to update everyone with what's been going on.  When I think about the last time I blogged I shudder with the recounting of everything thats happened since then. 

1) In November we got the whispers of our hotel being sold.  No one knew for sure what was going on, but everyone knew we were for sale....
2) My favorite holiday of the year and I ended up missing it because I had to work.  I missed my Granny's dinner cause she eats early.  Even after she specifically asked me to come.  (Made me feel like the worst grandkid in history.)  Story ends up well though because Mom ended up pulling a dinner together on a shoe string budget and we had a family thanksgiving for the first time in like a million was actually really really nice...

Reunited and it feels so good....

3) Went to the dentists for a second time and still have yet to hear from them about how much everything they want to do to me is gonna cost me.  I think it's time for a second opinion and make sure they know up front I want a running total of costs and what insurance is going to cover.
4) On a wednesday in December my grandfather had his second heart attack.  But instead of calling the family to come help him...he waits until that Saturday when he's released to call the family and let them know what happened.  On one hand I understand why he waited.  Most the kids were out of state and really couldn't have done anything if they tried and the others are drama queens and he just didnt want that hovering over him.
5) About a week later my grandmother from the other side of my family had a heart attack as well.  We were all notified right away.  And I finally got down to see her.  Russ gave me permission to go see her more (no it's not like I had to get permission to see her, but it's more like permission to use more money for gas to go see her.) 
6) The hotel sale went through and we have new owners.  I can't wait to see what new information they can teach me and hopefully the opportunities it will open up. 
7) Russ agreed to go with me to England in Feb of 2013 so I am busy planning that.  We both really have to get on the savings.  I know he'll let me go by myself, but it just wouldn't be the same.  Although, I guess I could get a lot more traveling done that I want to do if I'm only paying for one and just pleasing myself. 
8) Tonights our holiday christmas party...I've made a cake with snow men playing around in the snow.  I can't wait for people to see it.  It does look ameturish, but I kinda threw it together last minute, but I think it's absolutely ADORKABLE!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Giving Thanks: Catching Up

It never fails...when I get something I'm looking forward to doing...I get sick.  So last week around day 4ish I started feeling horrible...throat swollen, runny nose, and generally run down.  I thought I was coming down with strep because we had just had a co-worker come back from work that was down for a week with it.  Anyway the day I told myself I'd go get checked out I started to feel better in the afternoon.  So what'd I do...skip the doctors and go wash a plane with the husband.  At 2:45 am I wake up with a burning throat a low grade fever and had lost the ability to walk without passing out.  Needless to say I was out of work for three days with that crud....lost quite a lot of time to work on thanks posts and when I should have caught back up this week...I've been utterly wiped after work and gone home and vegetated on the couch.  So here we go

Day Seven:  My sister Heather & Family
Heather and I never grew up in a house together so we didn't have the usual sister story about fighting and making up, but Heather is like a best friend/sister who is blood.  Heather is a bit older than I am so I can remember my dad picking my sister and I up to go to family functions like weddings and such for Heather.  It also doesn't hurt that she gave me the smartest, cutest, and most fun niece ever!!!  Sarah has always been a shining light to me...but I know that little girl is going to be somebody some day...I just have to stick around long enough to see it!!!

Day Eight:  The In-Laws
The one thing I always dreaded about getting married or dating anyone was their parents.  We've all heard the horror stories about the "other mothers" making life miserable for the spouses.  Most times it's always for the new daughter-in-laws.  But I thank God every single day when I won the jackpot by finding Russ.  Not only is he a great guy...but his parents and family are the greatest people!!!  His mom is a riot to talk with and very loving.  His sister is very loving and giving as well...the old saying like mother, like daughter is very true of this family.  Russ' dad was also very loving and warm towards me as well.  I've never had to wonder if his family ever liked me because every time we talk or visit it is always made clear to me how much they adore me.  And I just have to say...the feeling is very mutual. 

Day Nine:  Russ
What do you say about your husband?  He loves me...takes care of me...and adores me.  Sometimes I start to doubt it because he doesn't always show his affections, but when I need it most, or need him the most...he's always there for me.  I always know...he wuvs me...and that's really all I need.

Day Ten:  Thanksgiving
It always has been and always will be my favorite holiday.  Most people only see it as a day to visit family and eat, but if you spend the entire month giving thanks for everything in you life...this day becomes so much more than just eat and see family.  It's a chance to reconnect with those you haven't seen in a year, a chance to shower those you love with just a bit more love than normal and of course the chance to stuff yourself so much it sends you into a food coma wherever you just happen to plot your tush!

Day Eleven:  Insurance
Without insurance I wouldn't be able to see a doctor.  Without a doctor I wouldn't be able to get prescriptions.  Without prescriptions...I wouldn't be able to breath easily day in and day out.  I wouldn't have a rescue inhaler when I had asthma attacks...and the blessed anti-biotics that have helped me get over this crud I had would have been unattainable.  So thanks goes to my husbands workplace for offering health care and my husband for partaking in it.

Day Twelve:  Art
The fact that I am kinda artsy...amazes me everyday.  I can't really draw to save my life...but I can paint up a storm.  I love ceramics!  I can craft like a mad woman.  I'm teaching myself to sew.  And I can bake and decorate like a fiend!  And it's weird, but on a cake with a tube of icing in my hand...I can draw just about anything...I am always baffled by that.  But ART is a thing to truly be thankful for...without this, the world would be a dull place.

Day Thirteen:  Lurve
It's self explanatory.  Lurve makes the world go round.

Day Fourteen:  The Hampies
In July I was asked to join an incredible team at another property of the Homewood's owner.  That property was the Hampton Inn.  Since arriving over here I have learned so much and found many new co-workers/friends.  I am truly honored to work with these guys.

Day Fifteen:  My Mom
She's the person who made me.  Yes, we've had our difficulties and troubles, but we're working through them and becoming close again.

Day Sixteen:  My Dad's...all of them
Throughout the years I've had many great male role models to look up to.  My two dad's weren't always there for me, but when I need them most they always are.  My step-dad (the guy who raised me) is just now coming back into my life and I'm getting his side of the stories for a lot of stuff that happened when I was a kid.  Do I believe everything...nah...but I am taking the chip off my shoulder regarding him.  My biological father (or dad) has stepped up and showed how much he cares as well.  He's always calling me just to check on me and make sure I'm alright.  Then of course there's Carlas, Keith, and many more who have stepped up and been a dad to me when I need them.  And I say Thank You to all of them!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Giving Thanks; Day Six: America

There's only a few words that can express how thankful I am to live where I do. 

America; Home of the Free,
Because of the Brave.

We are given the Feedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and many more
because of these brave men and women. 

Giving Thanks; Day Five: My Sister's Fam

My sister is the craziest person I know...but Lord Almighty I love her for it.  We've fought like cats and dogs, but lord help the person who puts her down or picks on her because there are only seven other people who are allowed to do it without me goin ninja crazy on them.  Her kids are the apples of my eye and it gets harder and harder everyday to see them growing up and not having enough time to be there everyday for them. 

Giving Thanks; Day Four: Mt. Olive Church

Almost everyone knows my struggles with my faith.  I grew up in the New Apostolic Faith.  My mother, when I was like 13, moved us to another city away from my sister and I's friends and family to make a new life for us and attend her childhood church.  My sister and I never really had a choice what we wanted.  Needless to say I grew spiritually...attended a fantastic youth group, which gave me even more friends and travel opportunities that I never would have been given otherwise.  Met so many people and dated a lot of guys from different places.  But in all of these great experiences...I questioned a lot of the beliefs.  I mean core beliefs that whenever I was teaching or going to service made me feel like a fraud because I was there and didn't believe. 

Our church was just a small congregation of a huge organization...we went through a lot of hard times.  The church basically went through 2 blowouts and rebuilds before a certain Pastor came along.  This man then tried bringing the church more into the community, but since it was such a small congregation they fought it the whole way.  It was when the 3rd blowout was coming that I decided...hey I'm not being fed spiritually, I'm not growing in my faith...I've questioned a lot of it...and why am I here?  I finally realized I was there because I felt like I owed it to my mom to be there.  Even though both she and my sister never really attended anymore. 

That's when I found Mt. Olive.  It was presented to me as a non-denomination church, but have since learned it's Methodist.  And you know what...I don't care!  Yea, there are some weird things they do, but I realized it was only weird because of the amount of time I spent in the NAC church.  Their worship services are fun, uplifting, and loud!  Hands are raised, people are clapping, and everyone is singing!  Sermons are inspirational and have a message.  Whenever Pastor Barry gets up to deliver a sermon I know he's been working on least all week if not longer!  There's still that chorus of Amen's or Hallelujah that freaks me out a little...but its getting easier and easier to just let myself go and feel the love of God in my worship experience.  They are a very big face in the community.  They feed the community, do toy drives, give away coats and clothes, they are to me the very definition of a Christ centered church.  We always hear Christ said bring me your tired, poor, and hungry.  Well this church sends them away energized, a bit richer, and very full.  I couldn't have asked for a better church family to belong to. 

Giving Thanks, Day Three: Kristen

So what do you say about someone who has known you practically your whole life?  Kristen was my big sister in my youth group when I was growing up and we basically became sisters.  Her mom thinks of me as another daughter...her brothers certainly picked on me like another sister and to this day are very close with me.  This year was about the greatest gift she could ever give me when she moved to town.  See she grew up in Oklahoma City, which is about a 3 hour drive depending on how slow or fast you drive.  When she got married she then moved to Ohio, which is when we really lost contact.  But several years ago she moved home and in May (I believe...or June) of this year she moved to Fort Smith.  Now whenever I need her...she's just a 15 minute drive.  I'm still working on two other friends...but once their here (which will likely never happen) my life will be complete and I won't ever want to move away from here.

So to my soul sister complete me!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Giving Thanks, Day Two: Duck Pond Peeps!!

The Duck Pond Peeps!

On Day Two I am thankful for the opportunity to know and work with this great group of people.  This is their Halloween picture from this year...they dressed up as people from Clue.  From left to right is Aston, Chris, Monica, and Courtney.  I have learned much from them collectively, but each person has gifted me with a new sense of me.  They've helped me discover things about myself that I previously didn't know or care to know and how to be a better person in my work.  I am thankful that I can call each one of them my friend and I got the chance to work with each and everyone of them. 

Giving Thanks, Day One: Amy

And with this picture ends Halloween & October!  And it's on to the most exciting time of the year.  I have to say November is, for me, the best part of the year.  The colors, cooler weather, and thanksgiving, all wrap up to make this the best month possible.  This year has flown by so fast I can't remember everything that has happened, but I wanted to do a 30 day post about what I am thankful for.  Now don't get me wrong...I've spent the better part of this year re-training myself and my prayers to be more thankful in nature and less...can I please have this, lord I want that...but especially this month I want to take a little time out to single out people and things I am extremely thankful for.   Soooooooooooo.......

Day One: Amy

Amy has been one of my best friends for a long time.  We've been through a lot fights (please don't judge), chick fights, driving lessons late at night for a stick shift while she's drunkenly giggling beside me trying to tell me how to make her truck go at a green light...thats actually a funny story.  I can't work a clutch and I'm driving her drunk butt and a friends from Downtown to her apartment.  I get stuck at a light for (I kid you not) thirty minutes because I can't get the clutch in gear!!!  She's now a mommy and I'm a wifey so we've settled down since those times.  But, I don't know what I'd do without her or her tendancies to get us in some sort of trouble whenever we go out together.  And after the dinner we just had together I can't wait to fly across the ocean and visit another country with her to see what kind of hijinx and shenanigans we can get into together.  I don't think our guys have any clue what they just signed on for!!!

Carolina and Mommy (Amy)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Catching Up

Today is Sunday...a normally fast time with Daniel and Laura day where we just go-go-go-go!!!  But I had to work this morning, which created an 8 hour hole that was filled with guests, cleaning, paperwork, and stolen bits of me time.  It was quite nice actually to be able to sit down and produce a well thought out plan for attacking the rest of the day and week.  I've managed to do a bible study, plan an approximate menu for next weeks dinners, and put together some photo collages which I will proudly display here. 

As you've noticed I've been on a little bit of a baking and cooking binge here lately.  Russ isn't complaining because he's missed my cooking here lately, and begrudgingly admitted... me too.  So with going back to days...YAY!!!!  I've been able to start cooking more and not just for me!!!  Of course...since I only snapped one photo of each meal that I'm highlighting, I threw in some more memorable moments of wine and whoppers, and Michigan Margarita...that margarita was soooo stout and not in an alcoholic way...I got acid reflux from the mix that night...but it sure did hit the spot!!!

These little and not so little girls are my heart and soul. Zoey and Punky are two completely different girls, but same in many ways.  Zoey and Punky both love to play.  But Punky loves to be outside and Zoey loves to be inside.  Punky sleeps with mommy and daddy but wishes she could sleep outside and Zoey sleeps outside, but wishes she could be with mommy and daddy.  They both love to pick on their older brother Brutus.  They both love to swim...Punky more than Zoey, but Zoey still loves to be in lakes and ponds.  Punky's loud, Zoey's soft.  Zoey's big and Punky's small. Punky loves her daddy more than me and Zoey loves me more than her daddy.  Brutus on the other hand, loves us both, but doesn't like anyone most of the time.  (Leave me alone growls or your playing too loudly is a staple in our home.) 

And next lastt...Roberta's Baby Shower.  I was asked to make the baby shower cake of a very old friend of mine that I hadn't seen in too many years.  In the process of this they invited me to the shower.  (I can hear my BF Tiffany telling me...Of course you'd be invited stupid..your her friend!)  But seriously folks...the last time I saw Roberta I was almost 14.  I'm super older than that now.  So it was great to be invited. 

So I grabbed my sister and a friend Kristen and we headed over the hill to NWA.  Ended up in Rogers at Roberta's sister's home and chit chatted a while before the shin dig started.  We played games, laughed really super hard, ate, had cake, won prizes, and visited some more.  You know the old saying that best friends are defined by not seeing each other for a million years but still being able to pick up right where you left off a million years ago??  That was exactly what it felt like to be with Gina, Melissa, Tiffany, and Roberta.  We all went to school together and hung out together.  My sister Amanda and Tiffany's sister Melissa are BFF's just like Tiff and I were.  Gina is one of our BFF's and Roberta is one of theirs.  After my sister and I moved away and Tiffany's sister moved out Roberta and Tiff got super super close.  There's always that petty jealousy when someone calls your BFF their BFF and you're like...nuh uh she was mine first...yea I always get that way and have to tell myself to quit being so vain.  I absolutely love my girls and am sooo glad to have them back in my life.

The last thing I wanted to share with you guys was a study we're doing in church.  Every Sunday for six weeks Pastor Barry from Mt. Olive Church (my church) will be discussing how to be a follower of Jesus...not just a fan.  A fan is defined as an enthusiastic admirer.  My eyes were opened last week when Pastor Barry basically described how I was going about my life in my faith as a fan.  HOLY COW!!!  I'm not a follower??  So they said join a small group...being back on days...YAY!!! allowed me to do just that.  I found an open small group that was doing the Not a Fan series.  And because these people are so nice they agreed to start all over.  Now mind you they would have been starting week 2, but they didn't have to start again, but they did.  Already in a week the changes in my daily life has been phenomenal.  I'm praying more, actively studying my followers journal (and keeping up with it!)  Russ and I have started praying together at night and last night he told me that he had been thinking about what I told him when I got back from Wednesday's meeting and it made sense to him.  So he prayed last night that we become followers of Jesus not just fans.  Now guys...whenever my husband prays period, I get choked up...but to hear him pray to God that we do something I have been earnestly praying about on my own, did me in...I didn't bawl hysterically...but I was close.  If I hadn't been so ding dang tired, I probably would have.  I definitely encourage you to check out Kyle Idleman's page here, (it's facebook)  and the Not A Fan website here.

Alright y' hands are tired...this has taken just about all afternoon to I'm checkin' out...I'm still gonna post the Pork Chop recipe and the Rice keep checking back for that. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken with Roasted Potatoes

Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce used!

So today kiddies I wanted to stop all the reading and posting of literary reviews and tell you about this awesome meal I made fo my honey, who LOVED it, and the subsequent out pour of please give me that recipe!!!  

After scouring my pinterest for a great crock pot recipe I settled on this one.  Just because it seemed the simplest to put together with minimal watching, stirring, or any other preparation from me.  (One day off's suck!! And you tend to not want to do anything on those days)  So anyways...with recipe in hand I ran to the store at midnight when I got off work and got potatoes and BBQ sauce.  Use whatever you have on hand or your favorite and this recipe will become one of your go to favorites.

4-6 boneless skinless chicken breast (I used 4; 2 to eat that night and then shredded 2; mixed with sauce in pot for Shredded BBQ Sandwiches the next several days.)
1 bottle BBQ Sauce du Jour! (Mine was Sweet Baby Rays.)
1/4 cup Vinegar
1 tsp. Red Pepper Flakes
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1/2-1 tsp. Garlic Powder

1 Smallish Bag Red Potatoes (these are just what I used.  You can use nude, golden, bakers, sweet, pretty much the sky's the limit...just use what your family loves!!)
Butter This step is hard because I use spray I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.  I just sprayed the chunks.)
Minced Onion

Mix the BBQ Sauce (in a separate bowl; yes I made this mistake) with all the ingredients for the chicken.  You can use frozen chicken...I just grabbed them from the freezer...tore open the Ziplocs and threw them into the crock pot.  Pour sauce mix over the chicken.  If you make the sauce and then throw in the chicken, the crock pot police are not going to come sirens blaring up to your house and take you away.  (Believe me I waited on the front porch for them.)  The purpose for crock pot cookin' is the simplicity of it.  Cook on low for 4-6 hours.

Take your potatoes and chunk them however you want.  Line them on a baking sheet that's been oiled up somehow.  Pour some EVOO and spread, spray Pam, or what I did was Pam Olive Oil.  (VERY NICE!!!)  Spray with butter and season to taste.  (OH...inserting brilliant idea!!  Melt some butter and brush over the potatoes with a pastry brush or ladle with a spoon..that way if you don't have spray, you still get that buttery goodness!!!  Now back to the originally scheduled recipe.) I salted, peppered, garlic'd, minced onions and rosemary'd the entire pan.  I then stuck in the oven at 375 degrees for somewhere between 30-45 minutes.  The timing depends on how crispy, brown, golden, or done you like your potatoes. 

This recipe is like a week old now and already my husband has asked me to make it twice!  Stay tuned for our next recipe which is Grilled Brown Sugar Pork Chops and a side dish of Cinnamon Rice with Apples!! (Sorry no pic as people just gobbled without stopping long enough for a picture.)  And as always...let me know what you think of the dish after you've tried it in the comments!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

"Lip Service" by M.J. Rose

Wow...where to start with this book...  The blurb for Amazon gives this blurb about the book: 

 "On the surface, Julia Sterling's life seems blessed. Married to a renowned psychiatrist, living on Manhattan's tony Upper East Side, Julia deeply loves her stepson, and is forging a career as a journalist.
When a writing job at The Butterfield Institute - a sex therapy clinic - exposes her to the world of phone sex, Julia glimpses a world that stirs her erotic fantasies but threatens her
carefully constructed reality. As she explores her emotional and sexual
connections to the men she knows and several she will never meet, she confronts evil, perversity, and her own passions.
Tracing the currents of desire, illusion, and psychological manipulation,Lip Service is an astonishingly vivid glimpse into one woman's inner life. At the same time, this electrifying
thriller grips the reader as it builds toward a battering climax."

Again I was so excited to read this book because it had been compared to Fifty Shades of Grey.  Granted I haven't read Fifty Shades of Grey personally, but if I didn't have a lot of people who said it was a great book and one they know I'd love...I wouldn't read it after reading this novel. 

Julia Sterling is the quintessential repressed housewife, mother, and fragile woman child with a horrible past.  In college, she went through a breakdown and as a result of that never went back.  She finally met her husband Paul (who you hate through the entire book) and quickly married. 

Skip forward too many years where you meet Jack the best friend who has been secretly in love with Julia for so many years.  I found myself through the entire novel rooting for Jack and Julia.  Max, whom you know already knows his parents divorce is inevitable and a whole host of other people who float in and out of the story line.

I don't know if it was just me, but the story seemed disjointed.  We start the novel on one of Julia's calls and she talks about how she has always been disturbed by this caller and then are plunged into the back story.  How she became a repressed adult/child who is constantly talked down to by her husband and whom doesn't have any passion towards, what their social life consists of, and how she was introduced to the owner of the Sexual Therapy Center where she starts her alternate life.  Then get into the awesome nitty gritty dirt where lets just say, you really don't need to be reading it at work, and then page turn your dealing with all the scary crap. 

I have to say the novel would have been better written if it would have just been one flowing story.  Build it to a crescendo and then let all hell break loose!  Other than that it was wonderfully written with semi-believable characters.  (I can't imagine that Julia would be so repressed, her husband such and ass, or Jack hang on so long for Julia to realize she loves him, much less as a man call her everyday without letting on his feelings.) 

If this is a mindless read like many of my books are for me..I would say go for it!  If your wanting a compelling and gripping erotic novel compared to Fifty Shades of Grey, skip it.

Thanks to Net Galley for the great read!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation 2"

Oh.My.Goodness!!! What to say about this little gem...What do you get when you cross two of the best sci-fi stories together? A total and complete nerd melt down.  This is written in a comic book/manga style and incorporates all your favorite characters from both worlds.  

We begin with a joint invasion by the Borg and Cybermen.  The Doctor after saving a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt; promises to take Pond and Rory somewhere special.  They arrive in San Fransisco in the late 40's. Unbeknownst to them it's actually a new simulation in the holodeck aboard the Enterprise.  Witty remarks and cut scenes occur until the Doctor and Jean Luc Piccard actually come face to face.  They find out what their up against and as an added bonus, ::SPOILER:: We find out the Doctor actually met James T. Kirk! Did you know that?  I sure didn't!!!  Anyways, this was a great hours distraction and I can't wait for the finish of this story line.  Of course, that's always the worst part with comics is they leave you hanging for more!!!  It'll be released on October 2, 2012 and I would suggest every Star Trek and Doctor Who-phile go pick up your copy...I know I will!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"The Reluctant Amazon" by Sandy James

I have been gifted with a monumental discovery.  I have become a part of a website called Net Galley which features book that haven't been published.  For my unbiased review I get to read these awesome novels and tell you my small amount of readers about them...It is my hope that you share these finds with your friends and go out and get these awesome novels!!!  Here's my first review about "The Reluctant Amazon" by Sandy James.

Rebecca's life is about to change. In one day she goes from ex-fiancee dumped at the alter to a zombie (almost) slaying Amazon. In this new life she meets a new family full of sisters and a hunky Scottish trainer who she can't stop thinking about and who won't stop yelling at her or beating her up. The only downside to this kick butt life? She can never marry or bear children.

When the zombie attacks become more frequent and her sisters go missing; Can she become the Amazon she was destined to be? Or will she be sent home in disgrace?

I was so excited to read this book! And I wasn't disappointed either. From the moment I picked it up I was sucked into Rebecca's world. Those to me are the best kind of novels. The love story I knew what was coming but the super hero theme and the ultimate villain kept me guessing until the end. All in all...I can't wait to read the second novel in this series! All that's left to say is...Bravo Sandy James, Bravo!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Key of Knowledge" by Nora Roberts

The second installment in Nora Roberts Key series is just as fantastic as the first.  This book centers on Dana's journey for the key.  Dana's journey isn't your routine fairy tale romance.  Dana has been in love with Jordan since they were kids and he walked out on her many, many years before.  Like Malory; Dana loses her place in life and has to start fresh.  Put Jordan walking back into her life and the search for the key and Dana is overloaded before we know it. 

I think Dana's story really stuck with me the most.  In another life I would probably be a librarian and to Dana that is the perfect job.  Since I read both the first and the second book before this I am actually pretty stoked I can finally start the third book entitled "Key of Valor."  This is Zoe's story!!!

Book One: Finding and Catching Love
Book Two: Overcoming past hurts and accepting love
Book Three: ?? But I believe it'll be believing True Love can exist.

Go Check It Out!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Key of Light" by Nora Roberts

I wanted to share with you today a new series that I have recently purchased.  A couple of years ago I ran across two books by Nora Roberts that were the first and second book in a trilogy called the Key Series.
Books are out of order here.  Key of Valor is #3.
The first novel titled "Key of Light" by Nora Roberts is about three woman who are brought together by Rowena and Pitte.  The tell them each about a Celtic legend called the Daughters of Glass, whose parents were a God behind the curtain of power and a mortal woman whom he fell in love with.  The daughters were demi-gods and because of certain powers that didn't like this...their souls were stolen and put into a glass box.  Now it's up to the three woman to find three keys that will unlock the box.

First up is Malory and this is her story.  As an art gallery manager she can be around the one thing that she absolutely adores but cannot  Her life is just about perfect and add an invitation to cocktails with the new owners of Warrior's Peak, what could go wrong?  There she meets Dana and Zoe who are soon to become her new best friends.  She agrees to help out with this quest and soon finds herself in some hot water from an unknown foe.  Throw in a hottie named Flynn and irascible dog named Moe and you have the perfect start to a great trilogy.

I like that the main theme is once you find the courage to love you can accept whatever is thrown your way.  Throw in some Celtic folklore and of course it's my favorite new series!!!

So please...don't take my word for it; Run don't walk to your nearest book store or amazon for your kindle and find out how Malory gets her man and her key in "Key of Light" by Nora Roberts!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

30/30 Things: Remembered

30. What are 10 things you hope to be most remembered for?

First let me start this post with...WHEW!!!  I can't believe I stuck with this and's post 30 and I don't want it to stop!!!

1) My love for my husband.

2) My love for the Lord.

3) The lives I helped change.

4) The fantastic children I raised.

5) My ability to listen and listen well.

6) My work ethic.

7) My silly personality.

8) My love of movies.

9) My constant and eternal love of books.

10) The exotic places I travelled and weird food I tried.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Links to all 30 Things....

I've just noticed that upon starting my 30 Things journey I neglected to start with the normal what I'm doing and why post and then provide a link to all the this will have to serve...I'll go back and provide a link from there to here...and then y'all can start this amazing adventure with me...

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitamate fears and how they came to be that way.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you the most happiest right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you've ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a current day in your life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. What animal would you be and why?
16. What are 5 of your greatest accomplishments?
17. What is something you wished you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be, and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from childhood.
21. If you could have 1 superpower what would it be? And what is the first thing you would do with it?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your childhood family dynamics vs. your family dynamics now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be, and what would you eat?
26. What is a popular notion you think the world has wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people most misunderstand about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

I started this journey as a way for my husband to learn new things about me.  As this was fully intended to be when Jess posted these on her blog and then pinned it on pinterest.  But somewhere along the became more.  It became not only my outlet for rants and raves that I've either kept bottled up or droned on and on about time and again, but also a source of discovery for me.  I've started to discover new sides of myself and things that I never really knew were there.  For those that started this journey with me...thank you and I hope you've discovered more about me.  For those that are just starting this journey...come on and get started already!  :D  Also, if you have a should start this on yours too.  I promise, it may take you awhile, but you won't regret the journey!!!

29/30 Things: Misunderstand

29. What do you think people most misunderstand about you? one has had me thinking for days.  I think it's a combination of two things.  One being a strong person.  I think a lot people come to me with problems and gripes is not because I'm such a great listener, but because they know I can handle listening to their situations or bearing their verbal lashings.  This is something that I've just trained myself to do.  I really don't think I am a strong person...there are times when all I want to do is break down and cry when someone yells at me or complains to me or complain back about why they have to use me for this.  As a friend I don't do this because this is what being a friend is for, but there are times when it is just too much.   Or there's the strength that people think I have in my struggle to become a mother. 

Case in point...I was going to adopt a baby from a friend of my mother.  She decided towards the end of her pregnancy to keep the baby. prob...very overjoyed for her that she believes she can take care of the baby.  Would not want to go through the agony she would have in giving up the baby.  Gave her a bunch of stuff I bought for the baby...a little hurtful, but still pretty okay.  My mom has continued to watch the baby...not a problem.  When it became a problem though was when anytime I went over to the house or talked to her on the phone it was Addy this...and Addy that...or here Cassie hold the baby...oh Cassie isn't she just the cutest baby! nephew Nate, niece Mia, and niece Sarah were the cutest babies...that little chubster is adorable, but not more so than my other kiddos.  It's hard...seeing all your friends and family getting pregnant around's hard hearing all the success stories of people who are in the same predicament as me...spend a couple of months trying to conceive and then voila it's a frickin miracle...I'm pregnant!!!  YAY congrats...congrats...go suck an egg and leave me the frick alone.  I have to say though...two of my friends have become pregnant here lately...and I'm super happy for them!  One wasn't lately...she's actually about to pop any second...but she has had a hard go of conceiving her story makes mine look like a walk in the park.  The other is a very close friend who already has a little boy, but has wanted a big family for soooo long that I was overjoyed to find out.  

I think...that second thing...ties into the strength we'll leave it at that. 

28/30 Things: Love Language

28. What is your love language?'s been a while since I've read the Love Languages, so for my refresher and for those that haven't read it, I will try to provide a refresher for ya.

The Five Love Languages is a book written by Dr. Gary Chapman (an incredibly smart man).  It basically describes how couples interact as people and helps you find the best way to "talk/communicate" with your spouse or significant other.  Here are the websites descriptions of the 5 Love Languages:

Words of Affirmation

Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

Quality Time
In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, “I love you,” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

Receiving Gifts
Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous—so would the absence of everyday gestures.

Acts of Service
Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most want to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter.

Physical Touch
This language isn’t all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive.

So since it had been a long time I took the assesment quiz on their website here.  It told me that my main love language was Physical Touch with a very close second being Words of Affirmation.  And I pretty much agree...I think it's a closer race between those two than what the quiz score gave, but I am very much a sucker for my husband's hugs, kisses, hand holds, and also love hearing him tell me how much he loves me or misses me.  For example, the other day before work I had been harping for days on how much I felt like we hadn't really had any time together since I started my new job almost seven months ago.  He snidely replied to me...we just spent three days together camping!  Well of course it hurt a lot, but I didn't really snap back or anything just calmy explained to him that even though we were together...we weren't (in my reasoning) together.  We had friends with us and we kinda segregated ourselves.  The women running camping and swimming with the dogs, while the men ran back and forth to town, snorkling, and kayaking. 

It wasn't until later that afternoon before going to work that my husband said in passing what I had been waiting to hear for months.  That he really did miss me and miss spending time with me in the evenings.   (awwww....)


27/30 Things: Body Parts

27. What is your favorite part of your body and why? love my eyes.  People have always told me that my eyes are my best feature and I have to agree.  I used to wear contacts (back before my eyes started rejecting them) and they just popped!  Now my glasses although really funky and I love them...they hide my eyes. 

I've also always been the type of person who believes the eyes are the gateway to the soul.  I believe that my eyes are very expressive and although sometimes hard to read for my husband, most of my friends and family know exactly what I'm thinking or feeling by looking at or into my eyes.

See what I mean...I'm constantly taking them off to get better shots with my eyes!

26/30 Things: Notions

26. What is a popular notion you think the world has wrong?

Seriously, I think the world has a lot of notions wrong.  But I guess the first one that comes to mind is worrying about all the starving children all over the world or spending billions on relief for war torn countries, poor 3rd world countries, and other things like that.  Now before you get really offended and for my friends call me up to tell me what a horrid person I am, what about the millions of children in America who are starving.  Or the people here who are without homes and have no one and no where to go to.  Are there commercials in other countries about sending their money to America to help the poor starving orphans?

If you stay up a bit later in the night or watch day time television you are constantly bombarded with please send money for these kids, or please help this starving orphan all from Africa, India, and other poorer countries.  At no time will you see that same "charity" make a commerical for the poor white kid living down the street whose mom is a crack head or dead and is living in worse conditions than the orphans in the commericals, to try to help them.  We send soooo much money personally, and soooo much money out of our countries pockets to help them.  But yet, no one is helping the kids here.  The adults here, the veterans here! 

WOW!...I'm stepping off that soapbox....think of me as a horrible person now...but I have always wondered why we send money to help those in other countries, but can't help those here at home.

Friday, June 29, 2012


So I'm totally bored right now at work...after a harrowing day of crabby customers and phone calls that border on the outrageous; it has become quiet...almost too quiet.  So what do I up blogger and check how many views my entries have had. 

Now granted I have five followers...that in itself is awesome considering...well I'm me!  But I kinda took a moment to see who my followers were.  All of them are friends with the exception of one.  I couldn't believe it!  I'm interesting enough that I have a complete stranger interested enough in what I write to want to follow my blog.

If you can't tell amazing reader who is a stranger to me...your interest in me has me excited...and also I now find myself in a query.  Do I stop using this as an outlet for all the crappy stuff that has happened to me and as a go to for the verbal barf that sometimes makes up one of my more boring posts?  Do I now create a writing method so as not to offend anyone with my grammatical errors and horrible punctuation?  Or do I just go on as I have been completely oblivious to my followers and blog for me, myself, and I and think followers be damned when I post?  I'll say what I want, when I want... bored tonight...didn't really want to explore anymore of the 30 Things topic, but was excited for just a moment.  That moments I'll leave you now.

Peace, Love, and Girl Scout Cookies!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

25/30 Things: Dinner

25.  If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?

 I would love a chance to sit down to dinner with Jane Austen.  She is my favorite author and I would love to pick her brain about her ideas of the novels.  How she came up with them, the trials and tribulations she had while writing them and why she did certain characters and scenes the way she did.  

I'd also love to ask her why she never married...was it lack of love or was she just so madly in love with the man she almost married that she couldn't stand to be with anyone else.  

And for dinner...I think depending on if I traveled back or she traveled forward we'd have a normal dinner of each time period.  Secretly, I'd love to travel back and experience the time and food. 

24/30 Things: Family

24. Describe your family dynamics of your childhood vs. your family dynamics now.

My family dynamics have changed so much since my childhood.  My sister and I didn't get along at all.  We fought constantly and when asked she always thought I was psycho enough that I was going to kill her at any moment.  There was this one fight that I will never let her live down.  To this day we can't remember who started it or what it was about, but I was so mad that I went into the kitchen to calm down.  I grabbed an apple and started to cut it up.  My sister chose that moment to come into the kitchen, sees me with a knife, screams bloody murder and proceeds to barricade herself in her bedroom with a chair against the door and calls my mom at work.  Now my mother at the time was a Surgical Technologist.  So she most often was in surgery.  My sister told the nurse who answered the phone it was an emergency and they patched her through to the sister then starts rambling on to my mom how scared she was that I was going to kill her and my mom needed to come home right away....needless to say that incident didn't end well for either of us.

My mother on the other hand was my best friend.  We did everything together.  We had movie nights, went shopping, spent alot of time together, but now the dynamic has completely flip flopped.  My mother and I fight like cats and dogs and my sister and I are extremely close.  She's going through a health scare right now and I have absolutely no way of helping her and it scares the crap out of me.  I don't know if she reads my blog or not so I'm going to say this regardless...(I'm hoping she doesn't because I don't want to scare her more than she already is,) but I don't know what I would do if I was to lose her. 

23/30 Things: Hobbies

23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

1) I LOVE TO READ!!!!  I am a voracious reader.  Romance, paranormal, inspirational, christian all goes in my bitty head and stays there.  If I had to give up my books...I would die.  I am not exaggerating people...books are what makes my blood pump.

2)  I know its weird but it goes along with my love of books.  I love to research!  Currently I am researching my husband's and I's SCA names to make them more authentic for our personas.

3)  I love to craft.  Scrapbook, painting, sewing, just creating something is an outlet that I adore.

4)  I love to sing.  And I'm good at it too...not good enough that I'll ever be anyone famous, but good enough to know when I sing karaoke people stop what their doing to watch me.  People request songs for me to sing...yes I am bragging so I am going to stop now.

5)  I LOVE TO BAKE!!!!  Again it goes along with the crafting/creation hobby but it's its own hobby.  I cant explain it...I can't describe the feeling I get when I bake it's just blissful (mostly) for me when I bake. 

22/30 Things: Future Self

22. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years?

     In 5 years I hope to be teaching with at least one child of my own.  I see our backyard being completely finished and it has become the mecca I've pictured it to be. I see us completely out of debt except for maybe the house and my student loans. This will allow us to start planning trips and remodels to the house that we have been dreaming about since we bought it.

     In 10 years I hope that we have at least one more child.  I would like to see that we have taken some bigger trips, maybe a cruise to Alaska or the Carribean and maybe a trip to Europe.  I also see myself as finishing up a doctorate in education and maybe working up to becoming a Principal.

     In 15 years I hope that my husband has been able to retire.  I also hope that we have enough savings to drastically cut back on the hours I have had to work.  I also hope that we have spent a lot of time visiting Ireland and made friends that keep pulling us back across the sea.  Most of this is all do-able if we can become debt free.  And that just takes some time. 

21/30 Things: Superpowers

21. If you could have one superpower what would it be? And what is the first thing you would do with it?

     If I could have just one superpower I would have to choose flight.  It was a hard choice for me because when I think about it I would love to be like Wonder Woman or Supergirl, but what is the biggest thing that they both have in common? Flight...I can work on being strong and fighting for justice....I can find magical things that will help my crime fighting abilities, but flight has to be a power that I already have.  

     I think the first thing I would do with my see the places across the globe that I know I'll never be able to go.  Then I would purchase some land in the one country that I have ALWAYS wanted to live and build a home base...from there I would find investors to back my venture into crime fighting and build a vast JUSTICE LEAGUE EMPIRE!!!!  Finding others just like me who have super powers.

     Yea, yea, it's just a dream...but it's a good one I think...right? 


20/30 Things: Childhood

20.  Describe 3 significant memories from childhood.

1) I guess my first biggest memory would be of traveling from Spokane, Washington to Rogers, Arkansas every summer to visit my grandparents.  It was fun bring them school projects we had completed telling about the state from an outsiders perspective.  It was also nice because at the time my maternal grandparents had a farm house out in what is now called Pinnacle Hills area of Rogers.  

2)  My second significant memory would be of my mom and stepdad's divorce and everything that resulted from that.  Up until that moment I knew I had a biological father, but he wasn't very present in my life.  So to leave my dad and step siblings and embark on a new future with my mom was super scary.  We ended up living with my grandparents for awhile and I really enjoyed that.  It actually helped me develop a closer bond with my grandparents and my great grandma.  

3)  My last significant memory from childhood would be moving to Fort Smith.  Again my mother was seeking for something new and left all our family and friends behind for a church down here. Now at first I was resistant. I wanted to go to my mom's alma mater, I wanted to stay with my best friend and go to high school with her and not leave my boyfriend.  But truthfully when I look back at lead me to some really great people in my life.  I was introduced to two woman that would be come my best friends.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

19/30 Things: Live

19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

This was like the easiest post yet.  My heart always has and always will belong in Ireland!!! 

Wicklow Mountains

 Why...I really can't explain it.  I have always felt this pull to be a part of Ireland.  I guess if I couldn't ever live there...I would settle to visit there and stay for maybe a month.

Another place I would love to live is Michigan.  Russ' family is from Ludington/Scottville area of Michigan and we go every year to visit.  I just love the mild summers and harsh winters they have there.  I have as of yet to get anywhere other than Grand Rapids in the state to visit, but I just know that Michigan is another place I would love to live.

18/30 Things: Forgive

18.  What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?

     I'm not really sure how much to share about this.  Or even if to share this.  My sister and I, for most of my life, have never really had a great relationship.  We are two completely different people with clashing personalities.  Living together was....well frankly it was hell!  Only after my sister moved out did we start to patch and repair our relationship and become best friends and sisters.  Throughout my young adult life...we've lived together several times and started the old patterns of clashing.  We've definitely realized we can't live together and still be sisters and friends. 

     A couple of years after high school my mother and I were living in a duplex and my neighbor was a young girl just like me.  But she was super popular and very friendly.  She threw parties like every weekend.  At that same time I was dating A.  He was this slick guy from my college choir class and I sat and sang next to him for a year before he "noticed" me.  We were pretty good friends before he even let on that he "crushed" on me.  We started dating.  My mother hated him with a passion.  He was the quintessential college guy.  He smoked...cigarettes and pot, but never around me.  He drank a lot, and was very sexually active.  After the first couple of times of trying to push me into sex...he respected my wishes and stopped the pressure.  I also made a huge mistake by telling him that if he REALLY needed it...he could go outside of our relationship and sleep with someone, but only in a emergency situation and I would only look the other way once.  Yes, it was a form of a test.  Yes, it was pretty wrong of me to test him like that. 

      One particular party night A and I went to neighbors, party and drank and mingled and had a great time.  Of course, my sister was there with her best friend at the time.  I had to be to work early the next morning so I had to leave the party at a semi-reasonable hour.  A walked me home and we kissed a bit and then he left.

     That night I had the worst dream of my life.  I could hear my sister moaning and groaning...because....well you know why.  When I woke up (deeply disturbed) I started thinking about it and the first thought that crossed my mind was she and A had been my garage.  So I confronted my sister...told her about the dream I had and listened to her tell me it was just that...a dream.  I asked A about it and he confirmed it was a dream. 

     I went along with this for about two months, before the dream I was about to give up on my waiting for marriage and give away this precious gift, after the dream I didn't feel right and decided to wait.  I had finally decided to give A that gift again and was talking to my friend B about it when she finally broke down and told me.  The dream I had wasn't a dream, but my brain actually hearing it happen and trying to let me know.  My sister had lied to my face while looking at me in the eyes.  And A had lied to me as well.  I had it out with my sister and told her to get lost from my life cause this wasn't the first time she had done stuff with my boyfriends, but it was the farthest, and forgave A because as he put it...I told him he got one emergency outside of the relationship thing.  It wasn't but a month later I told him to get lost also because he could have slept with any girl on the planet, but he chose my sister....that was just unforgivable. 

     It took me years to finally forgive and forget with my sister.  To trust her around my boyfriends again and to allow our relationship to prosper.  Today...we have a great relationship that I would have never dreamed possible, but because the Lord dug around in my heart and made me face these issues...I was able to be a better Child of God, forgive and in turn be a better sister.