Thursday, June 7, 2012

16/30 Things: Accomplished

16. What are 5 of your greatest accomplishments?

1. Being ranked 15th in the state in All State Orchestra. 
It was and always has been a high light of my life
and one of my greatest accomplishments.

2. Meeting and Marrying my Prince Charming.
Russ and I's lives before meeting weren't a walk in the park by any
stretch of the imagination...and I had serious commitment issues (just ask several previous boyfriends.)  But I allowed myself to just "see where it goes" and to trust that God knew what he was doing when he planned for me to meet Russ.

3. Staying really tight with my best friends.
Lyndsey, Tiffany, and Ashley have seen some pretty dark days with me and are still around to giggle, laugh at and with me, and still love me unconditionally because of them.  These three women are not only my best friends, but my sisters.  Just think of the movie Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood...and that's what we're like.  (YA YA!!!)

4.  Having the compassion to forgive.
There are several times in my life that family or friends have done things that are inexcusable...I have overcome those obstacles to save my relationships with them.  This really wouldn't have happened if I hadn't started to trust God and give every thing up to him.

5. My Strength.
In high school...I wasn't strong...I wasn't even remotely close to having the strength to be a rule breaker or change the course of my life that my mother had set out for me.  But going through said hardships that gave me the courage to forgive, and placing my trust in God, gave me strength to follow what God wanted for my life.  Leaving a church that my mother raised me in that didn't feel right for me. 

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