Thursday, November 20, 2014

Old Ways

We...really I...decided we'd had enough of the carpets and they had to go.  It took me awhile to convince Russ, but I finally accomplished that and we started ripping up the master bedroom carpets.  My one acquiescence was allowing Russ to do a small portion in the front half of our bedroom.  So 2 weekends ago I told him the plan was to knock out the bedroom carpet.  Friday night was a bust...then Saturday was a bust...come Sunday night I was chomping at the bit so hard Russ finally relented and we started this little project at I think 7:30pm.  He started cutting carpet and decided I'm not moving the dressers or the  book shelf or your knick knack trailer park style shelves so we're cutting around those too.  This was the after picture.  It still needed the countless staples the moron who installed the carpet put in the carpet pad.  (Much more than was actually needed!) And it still needed to be swept and mopped, but we had our first glimpse of what was beneath the carpet our pets had used and a training pad.  (BTW their all fully potty trained and use the outdoors like they should, but one dog has seizures so it's uncontrollable and then another decides...ahh he does it so it'll be okay.  Which makes seizure dog go to the bathroom in the house cause the other does.  It's a vicious cycle and I have one dog that doesn't potty in the house.  I love her to death for that!)  So that portion just so happened to be the worst part of the carpet.  It was gross feeling and when I shampoo'd the carpet in that spot it all came back within a week.  It was nasty and had to go. 

It's been two weeks since we pulled that up.  We've gotten another small portion beside my side of the  bed pulled up....but my house does not smell like a potty anymore!  That in and of itself was completely worth it...worth all of it.  But on top of all that, I got to play with a hammer and sort of chisel to pull up the tack boards along the outside of the room.  And pull all the staples by myself...I'm feeling like the accomplished renovator.

A week after this happened Russ got a new job.  He works days now...which is so amazing, but now we start a period of readjustment.  We're trying to get back to our old way of life where I'm cooking most nights and we spend time together and I think we're both finding it hard because we want to spend time together, but at the same time we need some apart time that we've become accustomed to.  I've also tried dragging our friends back into it too because we used to spend almost every day with them.  We were the dynamic four and people could call one of us and reach everyone.  So it's a period of readjustments for everyone.  I'm finding I have to meal plan again and cook more...and frankly at the moment that is just messing with me.  (I think it may have something to do with my next 2 weeks being crammed full of too much stuff to do.)  This weekend I am helping my bestie with her wedding and I have to make 150 cupcakes...which haven't been started and find Russ a suit to wear and look and try to find a different dress for me to wear because I'm not particularly comfortable in the one I have now.  Then I have to finish deep cleaning my house because almost the entire family will be descending on my house for Thanksgiving.  Plus, start Christmas shopping, put up the decorations after Thanksgiving, decide if we're doing photo cards this year, make sure we send out Christmas cards, find the perfect wedding gift for Russ' sister, try to find a serger for my mom and get back into the swing of sewing again.  Actually clean up my sewing room then get back into the swing of sewing. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New Adventure

Follow your heart...that is the refrain I've been hearing for awhile now.  I've never really known what exactly that entailed until about a month, month and a half ago. 

We've started attending a new church earlier this year and I've been struggling to find where I fit.  I didn't want to fall into the same old same old because I truly feel that's part of the problem with me and church.  But with Grace I was determined to patient...and wait until God calls me. 

At the end of service awhile ago they told us about a new program called Stephens Ministry.  It's where folks in the church go through training to council others.  I immediately felt excited with this because I felt it was perfect.  But I waited, researched, and prayed.  Was this what God wanted me to do?  I'm still unsure if I will be good enough to help people, but after an interview I had this week with the two Stephens Leaders it just kinda solidified what I'd been feeling.  I'm not perfect.  I'm just human.  But I'm a great listener and have a heart that wants to be a servant. 

Stephens Ministry trains lay people to serve for 2 years as councilors.  They give one hour a week with someone who just needs someone to talk to.  They give us all the tools we need to get us going and even match us up with our care receivers.  The best part to not ever care receiver will be from your church.  This gets us and Christ's love out into the community.  From people with lifelong illnesses to grief to working through huge hurdles that have been thrown at them there is someone for everyone. 

If you know of anyone that could benefit from a service like this...let them know about it.  That way they can seek out a care giver.  And if your interested in learning more about Stephen Ministries just click on the link.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Time to Grow Up

You ever have those moments when you know there's something you want to do (i.e. write a blog or at least journal)...but don't think your good enough for it?  Or that you have something worth while to say?  Or fear that people aren't even going to read it?  Yea...that's been me.  For awhile now.  I want to say I went through a writing course online by two fabulous women (Brandy Walker Patterson and Elora Ramirez), but I was/am completely silent in the group.  Don't get me wrong...I'm reading and thinking, but have so far been unable to write anything.  I've started lots of stuff...but it usually peters out and is really really horrid.  Such as a letter to myself...yea...I wouldn't want to read it ever again.  It was all about keep your chin'll get through won't always be the complete $h*t it is now...but I just couldn't think of anything.  I have a draft on here that will never be published of an open completely snarky letter to my banking institution that jerked me around for well over a month after my debit card was compromised.  It's witty, snarky, and completely true...but since I'm a non-confrontational type'll never get published.  So where am I going with this?  Well I've just decided...I have to put something out there once a week even if it's just pictures that I've taken that week with some blurbs.  I'll never get in the habit of writing without it.  I'll never get over the fear my life isn't story worthy without it.  So read...don't read...I shouldn't care.  I am doing this for my soul...not yours. 
My new sewing box...since I've taken up sewing.

This past year has been a roller coaster.  Russ started a new job in October of last year working 12 hours night shifts for 3-4 days a week.  I've finally acclimated to being able to sleep and be home alone without crippling fear...although I still sleep with a loaded rifle and car keys with an alarm next to the bed.  The plan is if I'm ever attacked in the night or someone breaks in...the house alarm should go off...I'll grab the car keys and sound my car alarm...grab the gun and try to protect myself in the eventuality they try to come after me...if they leave, well it'll be great for them on multiple counts.  1) They won't see a naked...fluffy woman wielding a gun and squinting to try and aim as to not kill them, only maim them. 2) They won't get shot. 3) They won't accidentally die because my aim sucks and it'll most likely be dark and my night vision leaves much to be desired. 
This past week they had a huge shake up at the plant.  They laid off/fired over half their work force because they decided to take the plant in a "different" direction.  Luckily, Laura and Russ were fact Russ' entire shift was laid off or transferred departments except Russ.  He's still not feeling secure in his job...but he is extremely grateful he still has a job. 
For Christmas last year Russ' mom and sister came down for a visit.  I can't tell you how excited I was for that.  I've been trying for years to get them to come down and visit since the wedding and when they did...boy was it a time.  Deb brought her girlfriend and they spent the week antique shopping.  Mom and I spent a good amount of time talking and laughing about the girls and Russ well frankly he worked a lot while they were here.  But he still got to spend some quality time with mom and his sister. 

In January, I went to an event called Newbie Collegium.  I'm not sure if many remember or if your new you don't know.  Russ and I reenact the middle ages with a group called the SCA.  This group is all over the world and have created Kingdom's the people are apart of with Kings and Queens and Princes and Princesses.  They have tournaments to determine the next King and Queen.  Once you win the crown tournament you become a Prince/Princess until the reign of the King and Queen is over.  This is typically a 6 months long processes.  Back to the event.  I've recently started fencing and at Newbie I was authorized as a fighter...this was extremely exciting for me and also a proud moment as I thought the day would never come.  I've since come to find that even though I don't have anyone near me to play with or practice I'm still pretty good.  Which makes me even more proud.  I can't wait to make some regional fighter practices and a couple of our older fencers who had stopped playing for awhile are since coming back to play.  YAY!!!! 

This year my friend Kristen participated in the Cystic Fibrosis Walk for the Cure and I tagged along.  It was so fun and I finally got to spend some quality time with her new friend Laura.  She's quirky, funny, and definitely fun to be around.  I've gotten to spend some more time with her over this year and plan her bridal shower which was this past weekend and it was great!!! 

This year my hair has gone through a lot of changes too!  I was so tired of the mousy dark brown hair that looked black I decided to go blond again as an homage to my youth.  People loved it...Russ loved it...and I loved it...for a time anyway.  Then my hair started getting super hard to manage and breaking off and I couldn't keep it hydrated enough that it was healthy so I decided fall was around the corner...we're going red!!!  Back to my beloved color.  We kept a couple of peek a boo blond streaks because I wasn't ready to give it all up.  But in the 3-4 weeks my hair has been has been much healthier...mainly because I'm not bleaching it every month. 

In May, my job laid me off.  I was a devastating time for me as I loved the crap out of my job.  I had decided to not work for the summer and enjoy a break and then try to be a substitute teacher and work on getting my teaching degree.  But after a week I was climbing the walls.  I couldn't stand not working.  I ended up at an interview for a company we used a lot at my old job and they offered me the job on the spot.  It was part time...but at least it was work.  The funny thing 3 weeks to the day after I was laid old job (well really my immediate boss..the office manager) fought to get me back and they realized they didn't want to get along without me.  So I was offered my job back.  Not at the same pay, but I had better hours.  The hours have since changed, but their not too bad.  I get off at 4:30 in the afternoon...I still miss Russ because he leaves at 4:30 to go to work...but I found I really really hated working till 5pm. 
Russ trying Bliss Cupcakes for the first time.

Hiking at Devil's Den State Park

My birthday this year was going to suck...Russ had to work that weekend so we really couldn't do anything.  He sent me flowers which normally if I don't ask and keep reminding about them I won't get them.  But this year I didn't ask or remind and I got the most beautiful bouquet!!!  Then my best friend Ashley asked me what I wanted to do.  I really hadn't gotten to go swimming all summer and my usual birthday trip to the Mulberry River was cancelled...I'm not going into why.  So she planned a small pool party for me.  It was beautiful and fun and filled with everything that I loved.  Friends, Smirnoff, pools, chicken and vegetables, and strawberry shortcake for dessert.  It was just a great day.  Then Sunday on my actual birthday my mom turned Family Sunday dinner into a Cassie fest.  Some family members were not too happy about that, but she made all my favorites.  A pot of beans with bacon, fried cabbage, ham steaks, peach cobbler, and an apple dessert.  It really solidified to me that my mom was trying to repair our relationship and we're doing much better on communicating and being with each other than we have in the past.  It's not like it used to be...but we're getting there. 

This month we took vacation to go see Russ mom up in Michigan.  I met my new soon to be niece.  Debbie & Laura are adopting a beautiful fuzz ball named KenLee.  I may be biased, but just looking at pictures of her smiling face can brighten up an otherwise dull day.  (Coincidentally it has also just hastened the inevitable..."my ovaries are hurting, lets hurry up and make a baby already" feeling.)  Coming home I told Russ its a $h*t or get off the pot moment.  One way or the other we are going to have a family and he just needs to commit to whichever way he wants that to be.  So while we were up there we/he spent lots of time with his friends and family and I cooked the whole week we were there.  Not complaining...just tiring and shows me I need to practice cooking for 6 without feeding an entire army.  I also developed stomach issues while up there.  Not going to go into details...but it wasn't fun and caused me to stick around the house a lot hence Russ spending lots of time with friends...without me.  We did however manage to make it to a friends church.  A baby shower for his friends daughter and a Mexican restaurant while up there.  Sadly, no margaritas for me because it was the first day I felt remotely well and I wasn't jeopardizing that for anything.  So we drove the 17 hours home and promptly unpacked my car, parked the trailer we hauled home again.  Put up a fence around it and went to bed.  Woke up bright and early the next day.  Ran a couple errands around town, packed up the car again and headed out to camp at an event that was 4 hours away up near Mountain Home, AR.  We get everything set up and figure out...oh no...our sleeping bag that we thought would unzip and become two...doesn't!  As it was going to be 46 degrees that night I made the executive decision we were driving into the nearest town with a Walmart and buying Russ a sleeping bag.  (He was just going to sleep with one...yes...ONE blanket.)  That weekend was so fun and just reinforced why I keep fencing and why I keep pushing Russ to stay involved with the SCA.  It's not so much he doesn't want to fight or go to events.  It's really hard for him to.  He'll get off at 5 am on a Saturday after working 12 hours and not really sleep all that well while I'm driving to an event.  Then he's up the rest of the day.  It's exhausting and gets frustrating sometimes because he can be very crabby.  But hopefully, we'll hear about a hope soon and this won't be an issue anymore.


The rest of this year is just going to fly by...we have upcoming test results on a sore on Russ' lip.  A wedding for my best friend Kristen and her love John that I am helping to plan and put together.  Then a couple days later it's Thanksgiving at my house for the family.  I really need to get that planned out pretty quickly because I want to try and make my Granny's Thanksgiving in Clarksville since she eats early...but I also can't have a regular dinner time because my Grandfather is traveling down from Rogers to spend Thanksgiving with us this year.  I'm so excited because my Grandpa has never been to my house.  This is huge...people don't ever come over to my house...I mean nobody.  It's a sore spot with me...but I am working to overcome it.  So when people specifically plan to come over I am like a kid in a candy store whose just been told its free and Christmas is coming early this year.  Christmas is at my sisters new house and New Years...I just don't even want to think about yet.  The new year brings a new series of events for me to fence at and also brings Russ' family coming to visit again around Easter. 

Kristen and I at her brother Vince's Wedding.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Biblical Questions

Let me start off by saying God Blesses us in mysterious ways.  I've been praying for a new job; preferably in a law office somewhere.  I've also been praying for kids and a deeper faith.  I've prayed for God to take away my spirit of laziness and just dive into reading the Bible and studying its word.  I've made plans that I never followed, bought books that would take me step by step through the word that I never finished and just kinda chalked it up to...I wasn't going to be the best child of God because I never really studied the word.

Don't get me wrong...I believe..with all my heart believe.  I pray everyday...multiple times a day (even though I still don't feel like I am sufficient in that area.)  I go to church, I'm active in the church, but I KNEW that because I wasn't diving into the word like we've been taught to that I was missing some crucial part of my faith and it was haunting me. 

So back to the mysterious blessings...on June 6th I was offered a job with a construction company.  I snapped it up!  Working in this office has been so enjoyable I can't begin to tell you how much this company has blessed me!  It is a Godly office.  Everyone is a believer and spends time during their day pouring over the Bible.  The owner has a home church and spends a lot of time preparing lessons and such during the week.  My boss...the Office Manager...has asked me so many faith questions that get me thinking and encourages me to read this portion or that and to have a deeper relationship with Christ.  I've started leaving my Bible at work along with a study by Beth Moore that I am working through on my own called Living Free.  It's here that I come to my Biblical the study...Beth Moore refers to Jesus as God quite frequently.  It started my brain buzzing and I've never heard it put that way.

I've always been taught Jesus is the son of God.  But there are strong arguments out there that Jesus is God because of the miracles he could perform.  God is also referred to as I AM and Alpha and Omega and in Revelations 22:13 & 16 Jesus calls himself the Alpha and Omega.  And I can't find the scripture again but refers to himself as I AM also.  I guess my questions are:

1) Have I been living under a rock or not listening to the word and Jesus really is God?
2) Do you believe Jesus is God?
3) Would you help me with some scripture that supports or disproves that Jesus is God?

I'm actually shook up about this because I feel as if I've missed some really important piece of my belief system.  HELP...anyone?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Products that I'm loving

I've been wanting to do a post on things that I am completely loving for awhile now.  Below you'll find something for just about every part of your body...including your stomach!!!

I'm a very low maintenance person when it comes to makeup.  And that's why this highlighter is absolutely fantastic and a much needed staple for every makeup bag.  This is a triple threat that can be used as a highlighter, eye shadow, and blush (when mixed with a color or without.)  I tend to go with minimal makeup but need something that's going to look like I spent a bunch of time getting ready in the morning.  (My coffee is more important than my makeup!)  I can just prime my eye lids with a primer (I switch between NYX eye pencil and Sumitra's brow bar) and on the lid place a heavy amount of Mary Lou Manizer.  Then do a gentle sweep up to the brow bone.  Throw on some black or brown eye liner and go! in practically seconds.  If I'm feeling really good and have more than a minute...I'll sweep some across my cheek bones for a high light of color and get a gel liner on  my eyes.  This product has helped me keep a minimal style and receive maximum compliments from coworkers and guests when they come to my work.  Definately worth getting for your make up bag.  But don't take my word for it...get one for your bag too!
Speaking of coffee...most of you have seen or heard about the new Keurigs right?  NO!  I MEAN HAVE YOU LIVED UNDER A ROCK???  Nah, just kidding...I really don't know of anyone who hasn't at least seen one.  Anywhoo...Keurigs come in all sizes and the brew all different things...including Iced Beverages!  And most of your K-Cups that have tea leaves or coffee grounds you can reuse!  I can make 3 cups of coffee from the same K-Cup!!!  And they even have a attachment that allows you to brew using your own coffee grounds.  Less waste, more savings, and I don't have to brew a whole pot of coffee....SCORE!!!!  And...for the time conscious of takes literally like a minute to brew whatever your brewing.  Who doesn't like that?!  It can run pricey, but believe me my up for one...cause it is totally worth it!!!  (Incidentally the one pictured here is exactly like the one I have at home!!)

Next up is NYX Jumbo Eye Shadow Pencils.  These creamy beauties are used to layer under power eye shadow.  Or you can glide them on as their own shadow.  They come in colors to help make your powder POP!  Or I like to use them along the tear line on my lower lids.  It creates a pop of color that really opens up your eyes.  My favorite color to use is Gold and Cottage Cheese.  Really because I'm a shimmer girl, but if you want just a general base go with milk.  It really intensifies the colors of everything you put over it.

I am absolutely in love with Kiehl's Orange Blossom and Lychee Fruit Body Wash.  The smell is absolutely divine and it makes your shower feel like a tropical/citrus paradise!!  Bonus is it leaves your skin feeling absolutely divine!  I never had to moisturize after showering when I used this product.  For hard core moisturizers...they have a moisturizer too!!  It can be a bit expensive...for a larger bottle it's $28.  I'm telling's totally worth it though!!  I keep an empty bottle in the shower and just crack it open and smell it....I have to's my crack!  These can be purchased here.  And if anyone finds it somewhere else...let me know...I shall reward you handsomely!!!!

WEN!!!!!  ER MAH GERD!!!!!  This stuff is fantastic!  I have had a life long problem with what stylists used to refer to as dandruff.  But I'm here to tell you the flakes that I had coming off my scalp was not dandruff....I was either allergic or had reactions to just about every shampoo out there.  I had to constantly change my shampoo so my scalp didn't constantly feel like it was burning and I could keep the flakes and itching down to a minimum. to start with Wen.  I have a love/hate relationship with it.  I love the product!  I've tried the original, the pumpkin spice (my fav) and the Tea Tree Oil.  I'm not particularly fond of the Tea Tree Oil and it's supposed to be the best for my scalp.  I do not recommend going through the actual Wen website.  They will set you up on a shipping plan and send you new shampoo every month (or just about.)  I use a bottle for about 4-6 months depending on how long my hair is.  I purchase from ebay and get it for just about the same price or a little cheaper.  And going this way... I can pick my own scent and if I don't like it afford to try another!  My next try is either going to be Lavendar or I'm going back to pumpkin spice.  (OH! husband says the mix of my pumpkin spice shampoo and Orange Lychee body wash when I'm just out of shower is buyer beware! ;D)

And last, but most certainly not least...Miche.  I know many of you are purse lovers.  Chanel, Dior, Gucchi, fact my last workplace was full of women who just couldn't keep their hands off Coach purses.  They got FANTASTIC deals on them, but the prices...I MEAN THE PRICES they paid for these things just blew my mind, and my pocket book.  I was turned on to this company called Miche by a coworker at my last workplace and it's purses.  Or to be exact...shells for your purses.  You buy a base bag, which you then put all your
stuff in.  And then you change out the shells whenever you want.  Simple!  You go to work with one shell and when you want to switch cause your going out...slip the shell off and the other on.  That simple!!!!  Miche is currently selling their biggest shell (Prima..which is roughly the size of a diaper's also what I carry. :D) for about $39-$49.  I'm not exactly sure which.  They get smaller too...if your used to small hand bags..I'd spring for the classic.  And if you want something in between...go with the Demi.  Looking back...I probably could have gotten away with a demi, but...they didn't have as many pretty shells as the Prima's.  So check out Miche or if you want to get started on the cheap...go to ebay again and just search for Miche.  Oh and make sure when looking at the pictures...if their not in a bag, check the inside of the shell cause they always have their names in them!!!

This is the classic base and shell instructions.

These are just some things I'm crushing on right now...if y'all get a chance; go watch this video series from Craig Groeschel called From This Day Forward.  It's about relationships and how they need to be founded in God.  My church...MOmentum... is following this series right now.  It is fantastic and very informational.  Just make sure on week 3...if ya have kids...don't play it while their around.  Not that they will or should know what its talking about (cause it's PG) but...just in case. 


Sunday, June 9, 2013

New Starts & Stale Farts

We are at T minus 30 minutes until I start a new chapter in my work life.  I've been wanting to get out of the hotel industry for some time now and never really tried to make that happen.  After some serious consideration and soul searching with my husband; I decided to just get my resume out there and see what happened.

Within a week I had an interview with a law office in Springdale, AR.  It was fun!  There was a timed test, which I was the only one that passed, and then a character profile.  All in all I spent 2 hours going through that process.  A week later they called me back and asked me to come in for another interview.  It went great again!  But this time they told me it would be almost three weeks before the office manager would get back from vacation and then I might get a call.

In the mean time I kept sending out resumes and not really getting any replies back.  Until last week...I got a call to come in for an interview with a local company here in town.  They were looking for an office assistant.  So I went in and met with the office manager who I could tell instantly liked me...or my skills...not sure which.  I think the only things that kept her from hiring me on the spot was she wanted someone who could start on Monday and she had another interview lined up for the next day.  Either way, she said she'd call me on Friday.  Well Thursday afternoon she called and offered me the job!  So I had two dilemmas to solve. I take the job and give my bosses basically three days notice?  And I take the job and effectively turn down the legal job?  Russ and I decided that ultimately we didn't think we were in a place to have me commuting everyday to work.  I'd need a lot more money than we think they would be willing to pay me to make it even out and the stress of commuting and maybe not even seeing him for days...really freaked me out.  So this is my last day at the hotel.  I've offered to come back and work relief days for them if they need me...they just have to call.

As for the law office...this past week or this coming week is when I should be hearing if I got another interview...I thought about just calling up there and leaving a message that I got another job...but I think that's very presumptuous of me thinking I already had another interview...who knows...maybe I was supposed to hear last week and just never got that call?

Yesterday, our friends Daniel & Laura decided to have a spur of the moment cookout.  It was super fun and kinda crazy, which they always are.  My husband has this knack of being able to fart on as soon as our friend Daniel bends over to pick something up...Russ runs up...points his back side and Daniels head and lets it rip!  This is the second friend, unfortunately, that he had fart on their heads.  

And if that wasn't crazy enough!  The boys have some of their friends over and decide they have to show off their toys!  My husband and Daniel have been going crazy over throwing knives and axes here lately.  They decide to go out back and light some torches and throw some knives.  Now mind's dusk..their lighting torches to see clearly, but the longer their out there...the darker it gets!  All of a sudden Austin's (a FSPD friend of Daniels and Russ') daughter comes back and basically is like...Dad just tried to cut his foot off!  I mean this dude walks into the kitchen with a DEEEEEEP GASH in his leg!  I wasn't able to get close enough to the wound...the boys are trying to be doctory about it...but it was deep enough I'm pretty sure he cut through either some tendon or muscle cause it hurt for him to flex his foot and the range of motion was seriously impaired.  Haven't heard about it today...but Laura and I now have this saying that we keep nagging the boys with...."If you can't keep from breaking your toys/friends you don't get to have anymore toys/friends!"

That's all for now!  Have a good one folks!!! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Oh the magic of friends...

I've had such an out pouring of love and friendship that last couple of weeks that it just makes my heart happy.  I have been facebook free for 2 weeks now...and really haven't missed it.  It's a little hard keeping up with my cake page, but to be honest I don't get a lot of traffic through there anyways. 

Last Friday Russ and I were able to take a spur of the moment trip to Tulsa with Daniel and Laura.  We all rode up there in their Jeep.  Thankfully they let me ride up front or else we would have had some issues.  We all shared in the gas and was actually a really fun trip!  We started out at Tandy Leather.  I bought a Celtic knot work buckle set and a strap of leather that Russ will be turning into my belt for me for SCA.  Laura and I played around with the stampers and I discovered I'm totally okay with my belt being plain except for the buckle cause stamping leather is RIDICULOUS!!!!  It's not hard per say...but time consuming and I never really got the hang of it and I definitely don't want a messed up belt. 

So while I was being rung up in the shop Russ decided to head over to a hobby shop that was in the same plaza we had visited 2 years before while on our anniversary trip to Tulsa.  Daniel drove Laura and I over there and we walked to Walgreen's while they played.  We apparently didn't take enough time in Walgreen's and ended up walking around the little shopping center and then going back to the hobby shop and staring at the boys to tell them it's time to go.

We left there and travelled all the way through Tulsa to Jenks (which is a suburb) to go to the Aquarium.  I've got tons of pictures but haven't had time to upload them and mess with the pictures yet so I'll upload those in a completely different post.  We played with shrimp, touched star fish, watched all the fishes and Daniel even got a beaver to keep in his pocket.  Very much an inside joke...after the aquarium we were all starving so we headed to Red Robin. 

Now for those not in the know...our friend Laura is a somewhat picky eater.  If it isn't yellow, brown, and sometimes doesn't go in her mouth.  So most times when we go out...she sticks with a burger.  Hence, Red Robin.  It is the mecca of burger eaters and should have pleased her.  So what did she order?  A plain Bacon Cheeseburger.  Really?  You can get a bacon cheeseburger at any roadside diner and flop house go to the hamburger heaven and you go simple?!!!   Needless to say we had great fun teasing her about that.

We hit Barnes & Noble so I could check out the Doctor Who stuff.  (Not that much)  Went to the Promenade Mall across the road from it....which was pretty lame.  We were headed to the Woodland Hills Mall and noticed the time.  Since we wanted to get out of town before evening traffic started we decided to hit a game store on the way out of town.  We chose Wizards Asylum because it was closer to us that Top Deck and I am so glad we did!!!  We found Last Night on Earth which is a game Russ and I have been dying to purchase and play since we saw Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day play it on Table Top with Garfunkel & Oats.  I've been studying up on the rules so hopefully we can play it this Saturday at our game night coming up!!!  Their game section was smallish, but man was it packed with so many selections I think I've found where Russ and I will continue to go whenever we go back.  We're hoping to some day hit Top Deck and see what they have, but will definitely be back to Wizards. 

Now for the last bit of of Wednesday last week...Russ and I...are debt free!!!!  After the start of the year that we had; to be able to say that is freeing!  Now granted we are taking a risk by cashing out his retirement, but if we hadn't...on top of house payment and utilities we'd be shelling out a whooping $600 in payments to credit cards and student loans.  There was no way we could do it.  By using his retirement we now not only can make it on one income and his unemployment, but we've started to sock away money in the savings account at an alarming rate.  The idea is to live as frugally as we can and get his retirement built back up.  I'm also hoping we can hit up some fertility doctors and maybe make us a baby!