Thursday, June 28, 2012

25/30 Things: Dinner

25.  If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?

 I would love a chance to sit down to dinner with Jane Austen.  She is my favorite author and I would love to pick her brain about her ideas of the novels.  How she came up with them, the trials and tribulations she had while writing them and why she did certain characters and scenes the way she did.  

I'd also love to ask her why she never married...was it lack of love or was she just so madly in love with the man she almost married that she couldn't stand to be with anyone else.  

And for dinner...I think depending on if I traveled back or she traveled forward we'd have a normal dinner of each time period.  Secretly, I'd love to travel back and experience the time and food. 

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