Thursday, June 28, 2012

20/30 Things: Childhood

20.  Describe 3 significant memories from childhood.

1) I guess my first biggest memory would be of traveling from Spokane, Washington to Rogers, Arkansas every summer to visit my grandparents.  It was fun bring them school projects we had completed telling about the state from an outsiders perspective.  It was also nice because at the time my maternal grandparents had a farm house out in what is now called Pinnacle Hills area of Rogers.  

2)  My second significant memory would be of my mom and stepdad's divorce and everything that resulted from that.  Up until that moment I knew I had a biological father, but he wasn't very present in my life.  So to leave my dad and step siblings and embark on a new future with my mom was super scary.  We ended up living with my grandparents for awhile and I really enjoyed that.  It actually helped me develop a closer bond with my grandparents and my great grandma.  

3)  My last significant memory from childhood would be moving to Fort Smith.  Again my mother was seeking for something new and left all our family and friends behind for a church down here. Now at first I was resistant. I wanted to go to my mom's alma mater, I wanted to stay with my best friend and go to high school with her and not leave my boyfriend.  But truthfully when I look back at lead me to some really great people in my life.  I was introduced to two woman that would be come my best friends.

1 comment:

  1. :) If you hadn't moved to Fort Smith, you'd have never met me, and my life would much duller for it. I'm happy you did, cause you're one of the best friends a girl could ever ask for. LOVE YOU!!
