Thursday, June 28, 2012

23/30 Things: Hobbies

23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

1) I LOVE TO READ!!!!  I am a voracious reader.  Romance, paranormal, inspirational, christian all goes in my bitty head and stays there.  If I had to give up my books...I would die.  I am not exaggerating people...books are what makes my blood pump.

2)  I know its weird but it goes along with my love of books.  I love to research!  Currently I am researching my husband's and I's SCA names to make them more authentic for our personas.

3)  I love to craft.  Scrapbook, painting, sewing, just creating something is an outlet that I adore.

4)  I love to sing.  And I'm good at it too...not good enough that I'll ever be anyone famous, but good enough to know when I sing karaoke people stop what their doing to watch me.  People request songs for me to sing...yes I am bragging so I am going to stop now.

5)  I LOVE TO BAKE!!!!  Again it goes along with the crafting/creation hobby but it's its own hobby.  I cant explain it...I can't describe the feeling I get when I bake it's just blissful (mostly) for me when I bake. 

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