Friday, November 16, 2012

Giving Thanks: Catching Up

It never fails...when I get something I'm looking forward to doing...I get sick.  So last week around day 4ish I started feeling horrible...throat swollen, runny nose, and generally run down.  I thought I was coming down with strep because we had just had a co-worker come back from work that was down for a week with it.  Anyway the day I told myself I'd go get checked out I started to feel better in the afternoon.  So what'd I do...skip the doctors and go wash a plane with the husband.  At 2:45 am I wake up with a burning throat a low grade fever and had lost the ability to walk without passing out.  Needless to say I was out of work for three days with that crud....lost quite a lot of time to work on thanks posts and when I should have caught back up this week...I've been utterly wiped after work and gone home and vegetated on the couch.  So here we go

Day Seven:  My sister Heather & Family
Heather and I never grew up in a house together so we didn't have the usual sister story about fighting and making up, but Heather is like a best friend/sister who is blood.  Heather is a bit older than I am so I can remember my dad picking my sister and I up to go to family functions like weddings and such for Heather.  It also doesn't hurt that she gave me the smartest, cutest, and most fun niece ever!!!  Sarah has always been a shining light to me...but I know that little girl is going to be somebody some day...I just have to stick around long enough to see it!!!

Day Eight:  The In-Laws
The one thing I always dreaded about getting married or dating anyone was their parents.  We've all heard the horror stories about the "other mothers" making life miserable for the spouses.  Most times it's always for the new daughter-in-laws.  But I thank God every single day when I won the jackpot by finding Russ.  Not only is he a great guy...but his parents and family are the greatest people!!!  His mom is a riot to talk with and very loving.  His sister is very loving and giving as well...the old saying like mother, like daughter is very true of this family.  Russ' dad was also very loving and warm towards me as well.  I've never had to wonder if his family ever liked me because every time we talk or visit it is always made clear to me how much they adore me.  And I just have to say...the feeling is very mutual. 

Day Nine:  Russ
What do you say about your husband?  He loves me...takes care of me...and adores me.  Sometimes I start to doubt it because he doesn't always show his affections, but when I need it most, or need him the most...he's always there for me.  I always know...he wuvs me...and that's really all I need.

Day Ten:  Thanksgiving
It always has been and always will be my favorite holiday.  Most people only see it as a day to visit family and eat, but if you spend the entire month giving thanks for everything in you life...this day becomes so much more than just eat and see family.  It's a chance to reconnect with those you haven't seen in a year, a chance to shower those you love with just a bit more love than normal and of course the chance to stuff yourself so much it sends you into a food coma wherever you just happen to plot your tush!

Day Eleven:  Insurance
Without insurance I wouldn't be able to see a doctor.  Without a doctor I wouldn't be able to get prescriptions.  Without prescriptions...I wouldn't be able to breath easily day in and day out.  I wouldn't have a rescue inhaler when I had asthma attacks...and the blessed anti-biotics that have helped me get over this crud I had would have been unattainable.  So thanks goes to my husbands workplace for offering health care and my husband for partaking in it.

Day Twelve:  Art
The fact that I am kinda artsy...amazes me everyday.  I can't really draw to save my life...but I can paint up a storm.  I love ceramics!  I can craft like a mad woman.  I'm teaching myself to sew.  And I can bake and decorate like a fiend!  And it's weird, but on a cake with a tube of icing in my hand...I can draw just about anything...I am always baffled by that.  But ART is a thing to truly be thankful for...without this, the world would be a dull place.

Day Thirteen:  Lurve
It's self explanatory.  Lurve makes the world go round.

Day Fourteen:  The Hampies
In July I was asked to join an incredible team at another property of the Homewood's owner.  That property was the Hampton Inn.  Since arriving over here I have learned so much and found many new co-workers/friends.  I am truly honored to work with these guys.

Day Fifteen:  My Mom
She's the person who made me.  Yes, we've had our difficulties and troubles, but we're working through them and becoming close again.

Day Sixteen:  My Dad's...all of them
Throughout the years I've had many great male role models to look up to.  My two dad's weren't always there for me, but when I need them most they always are.  My step-dad (the guy who raised me) is just now coming back into my life and I'm getting his side of the stories for a lot of stuff that happened when I was a kid.  Do I believe everything...nah...but I am taking the chip off my shoulder regarding him.  My biological father (or dad) has stepped up and showed how much he cares as well.  He's always calling me just to check on me and make sure I'm alright.  Then of course there's Carlas, Keith, and many more who have stepped up and been a dad to me when I need them.  And I say Thank You to all of them!!!

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