Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Giving Thanks, Day Three: Kristen

So what do you say about someone who has known you practically your whole life?  Kristen was my big sister in my youth group when I was growing up and we basically became sisters.  Her mom thinks of me as another daughter...her brothers certainly picked on me like another sister and to this day are very close with me.  This year was about the greatest gift she could ever give me when she moved to town.  See she grew up in Oklahoma City, which is about a 3 hour drive depending on how slow or fast you drive.  When she got married she then moved to Ohio, which is when we really lost contact.  But several years ago she moved home and in May (I believe...or June) of this year she moved to Fort Smith.  Now whenever I need her...she's just a 15 minute drive.  I'm still working on two other friends...but once their here (which will likely never happen) my life will be complete and I won't ever want to move away from here.

So to my soul sister Kristen...you complete me!!!

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