Friday, November 2, 2012

Giving Thanks, Day One: Amy

And with this picture ends Halloween & October!  And it's on to the most exciting time of the year.  I have to say November is, for me, the best part of the year.  The colors, cooler weather, and thanksgiving, all wrap up to make this the best month possible.  This year has flown by so fast I can't remember everything that has happened, but I wanted to do a 30 day post about what I am thankful for.  Now don't get me wrong...I've spent the better part of this year re-training myself and my prayers to be more thankful in nature and less...can I please have this, lord I want that...but especially this month I want to take a little time out to single out people and things I am extremely thankful for.   Soooooooooooo.......

Day One: Amy

Amy has been one of my best friends for a long time.  We've been through a lot fights (please don't judge), chick fights, driving lessons late at night for a stick shift while she's drunkenly giggling beside me trying to tell me how to make her truck go at a green light...thats actually a funny story.  I can't work a clutch and I'm driving her drunk butt and a friends from Downtown to her apartment.  I get stuck at a light for (I kid you not) thirty minutes because I can't get the clutch in gear!!!  She's now a mommy and I'm a wifey so we've settled down since those times.  But, I don't know what I'd do without her or her tendancies to get us in some sort of trouble whenever we go out together.  And after the dinner we just had together I can't wait to fly across the ocean and visit another country with her to see what kind of hijinx and shenanigans we can get into together.  I don't think our guys have any clue what they just signed on for!!!

Carolina and Mommy (Amy)

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