Friday, June 29, 2012


So I'm totally bored right now at work...after a harrowing day of crabby customers and phone calls that border on the outrageous; it has become quiet...almost too quiet.  So what do I up blogger and check how many views my entries have had. 

Now granted I have five followers...that in itself is awesome considering...well I'm me!  But I kinda took a moment to see who my followers were.  All of them are friends with the exception of one.  I couldn't believe it!  I'm interesting enough that I have a complete stranger interested enough in what I write to want to follow my blog.

If you can't tell amazing reader who is a stranger to me...your interest in me has me excited...and also I now find myself in a query.  Do I stop using this as an outlet for all the crappy stuff that has happened to me and as a go to for the verbal barf that sometimes makes up one of my more boring posts?  Do I now create a writing method so as not to offend anyone with my grammatical errors and horrible punctuation?  Or do I just go on as I have been completely oblivious to my followers and blog for me, myself, and I and think followers be damned when I post?  I'll say what I want, when I want... bored tonight...didn't really want to explore anymore of the 30 Things topic, but was excited for just a moment.  That moments I'll leave you now.

Peace, Love, and Girl Scout Cookies!

1 comment:

  1. If that follower is interested enough in what you write NOW to become a follower, don't you think you should leave it as it is? Cause, i'm sorry, but i'm not gonna change the way I post just because I have someone following to read it. We love to read it just as it comes out, :)
