Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation 2"

Oh.My.Goodness!!! What to say about this little gem...What do you get when you cross two of the best sci-fi stories together? A total and complete nerd melt down.  This is written in a comic book/manga style and incorporates all your favorite characters from both worlds.  

We begin with a joint invasion by the Borg and Cybermen.  The Doctor after saving a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt; promises to take Pond and Rory somewhere special.  They arrive in San Fransisco in the late 40's. Unbeknownst to them it's actually a new simulation in the holodeck aboard the Enterprise.  Witty remarks and cut scenes occur until the Doctor and Jean Luc Piccard actually come face to face.  They find out what their up against and as an added bonus, ::SPOILER:: We find out the Doctor actually met James T. Kirk! Did you know that?  I sure didn't!!!  Anyways, this was a great hours distraction and I can't wait for the finish of this story line.  Of course, that's always the worst part with comics is they leave you hanging for more!!!  It'll be released on October 2, 2012 and I would suggest every Star Trek and Doctor Who-phile go pick up your copy...I know I will!!!

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