Saturday, April 28, 2012

9/30 Things: People

9) List 10 people who have influenced you and how.

I am sure this is a typical pick for every married person. Russ has allowed me to be myself; who ever that may be.  He's allowed me to explore and try to find that person and also still nurtures me.  Russ loves me for who I am.  I didn't really know how my relationship with my mother was affecting me until I looked at it through the eyes of someone else.  Russ helped me to get over the anger and just work on healing past it.  I can now say I love my mom...I just don't think we'll ever be friends like we were.

My sister has always been there for me.  We used to fight like cats and dogs, but after we didn't live together we became the best of friends.  Mandy has always encouraged me to shoot for my dreams.  It's almost like she was my life coach.  I've learned from her mistakes and she's always been there to help me through times when I doubted myself.

Hahaha...what do you say about the craziest person you know?!  Tiff has been my best friend since the fifth grade when my family moved back from Washington.  She has always been the peanut to my butter.  (Get the nutty reference?  LOL)  I can't count how many times this lady has kept me out of trouble.  Steered my life onto a different path or told me, that boy is just plain wrong for you and saved me from a huge pile of heartache.  Even though we're miles apart I can just pick up the phone at anytime of day and talk to her like we just talked ten minutes ago.  I'd have to say...if I could swing the other way...she'd be my gal!  (She's gonna shoot me for typing that!  :D)

Ashley, Lyndsey, & Amy
This trio of ladies have been anchors to me in troublesome times.  Ash and Lynds are my best friends from high school.  We've each helped each other out of some pretty harsh times.  I don't think I would have made it out of high school alive without these two.  Amy was my anchor after high school.  When my life was changing, my mom getting married, she was able to keep me sane.  Amy came into my life about the time my mom and I started getting distant and I don't think without her to talk would have turned out much differently.

Laura was a friend of my husband before we got together.  Since meeting Laura she has taught me how to tap into my wild side.  I am now able to do things that I would NEVER thought I would ever possibly do.  It's good clean fun y'all...just walking on the wild side sometimes never hurt just have to know the line between good and bad.

Mr. Thelman
Mr. Thelman was my high school orchestra teacher.  He encouraged all of us to dream big and to be the best.  I think he is the reason I was ranked 18th in the state in 2001 for violinists.  Hard work and dedication really do pay off.


I really think that's it y'all....

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