Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10/30 Things: Embarrasing

10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

 Since nothing really comes to mind about an embarrassing moment...I guess I'll tell you about an embarrassing day.  Now for most people this day is supposed to be the highlight of their life, the day they are the center of attention and every thing is perfect.   ::Cue buzzer::  Contestant number one I'm sorry but that's the wrong answer!!!!

My wedding day was an exercise in how my micromanagement can be destroyed by just a couple of people not following my directions.  It was also an exercise in patience...

Aw...look at the happy couple!!

I really think looking back now I can laugh at all of this, but if I could go back...I would have told myself just to stay in bed.  It really started off with just running behind pretty much all day long...but then the hair salon I had booked to do my hair and my bridesmaids hair decided they weren't going to honor my appointment and they were going to do the hair for two other weddings.  Now normally I am not prissy or pretentious and I am good about...okay I'll wait my turn no big deal.  But that day...was already stressful...I just wasn't having that.  

So we found a new salon...my stylist...was okay...kinda knew what I wanted, but really did what she wanted.  The end result was okay...it was basically what I wanted, but there are some things that I wish I could have changed.  Anyway...back to the embarrassing.

Like I said...running behind all day long...all of my family decides to show up to get dressed in my hotel room.  Now this shouldn't have been a problem...but they all wanted to change in the restroom, which was small, and they wanted to go one at a time.  

Helping a flower girl get ready behind my under skirt.

It was during this time I found out one of my bride's men wasn't going to be there.  He had decided to drive to the ceremony from Texas and had gotten caught in a really bad storm in Dallas.  All of this can and was dealt with...with minimal bridezilla moments.

It was when I realized I was 45 minutes late for my own wedding...and the fact no one would call anyone at the chapel to tell them I was coming that I started to freak out!!!

Just had to share this one...absolutely love it!!!

We finally get to the wedding...people are milling around outside...my bridesmaids have their  bouquets but they also have the flowers for the parents on.  My in-laws and my parents all had not been told how to walk in...It was a complete mess and I was falling apart...really...I was inches from hysterical.

I actually look okay!

Now look at the sides of the arch...see the candelabras sitting on the floor...here is where my embarrassing moment comes.  I think I'm in the home stretch...nothing is going to go bad from here and my Grandfather and I are walking down the aisle.  As my long train passes by the candelabra in the right of the picture...the lace work on the side becomes entangled in part of the scroll work on the candelabra and I feel a tug and hear.....rrriiiiiiippppp!!!!  It was an immediate stop...I bent over sobbing...hysterically...and was moments away from sitting down in the middle of the aisle and not going any further.  They were just all going to have to come to me!!  My friends come to my rescue and get me untangled and put back together, but in the process of it...my friends granddaughter who was a baby at the time sticks her hand in the candle flame and starts screaming bloody murder.  I still feel bad to this day about it.

In the end...we were married...people still thought it was a beautiful ceremony and no one really knew all of the big mistakes that had happened.  By the time we made it to our reception after taking photo's...half our guests had left.  By the time dinner was done we had about 20 of our closest friends and family left so we cut the cake and did toasts and danced a little.  Not much cause we just all looked funky....So I'll leave you with the last little embarrassment for the night...

Do you know how hard it is to go to the bathroom is a huge skirt?

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