Wednesday, May 2, 2012

11/30 Things: Pet Peeves

11. Describe 10 Pet Peeves you have:

1. Text Speech
There is absolutely no reason to text R U Comin, or C U l8tr, God made words so....USE THEM!!!  If you are too lazy to text me a complete sentence then have the decency to pick up the blasted phone and call me to have the short conversation we would have had texting.

2. Fur
It is for...pronounced four...not fur or fir...yes, this is the south, but unless we all want to start speaking Spanish because we can't remember proper English anymore...I suggest you go back to school and learn English...and this attention.

3. Getting Peeved at me for Channel Surfing.
I HATE COMMERCIALS...I will turn the channel faster than you can blink or fast forward the don't like it...we have two other TVs with which you can ignore my channel surfing.

4. Calling in for stupid reasons.
Really..if you've worked anywhere for a certain period of time you get to know people.  And people that call in saying..."I can't put my contacts in, or I've had this headache for days and I just can't shake it."  We all know it's code for "I'm still drunk, or I'm hung over,' or the ever faithful..."I just don't want to work today."  First...if you have contacts, you have glasses. Put those puppies on and get your tush to work.  Second, I get blinding migraines that go for days...I take some meds, wear some sunglasses, and if its really bad I get a shot in the hiney!  Take some ibuprofen and go to work.  

5.  Judgement.
I am a good person.  Just because I am a larger person and clothing is a bit revealing on me does not mean I am not a good Christian woman.  Just because I can be a bit wild and crazy does not mean I again am not a good Christian woman.  I don't judge you...please don't look down on me and judge me.

6. The need of others to freak out on me because I refuse to own a credit card.
Let's put it this way.  If I need to rent a car...I have a debit card.   Yes, I have to have a huge chunk of money in my account that will be held up the entire time I have that car, but its the same way with your credit card you just don't take that hit right off the bat.   If I need to make a large purchase...I can pay in cash.  My cash is just as good, if not better than your credit for the simple fact...when you can't pay that credit bill...they don't have to track me down and stay on my butt for a payment.  I will have paid in full, most times cheaper than you will have paid with the card.  

7. Don't tell me I am not sick.
Please don't tell me I am not sick, when I clearly am.  Just because my illness scares you doesn't mean I am not sick.   

8.  Being stuck in the middle.
I am a fantastic listener.  This is a not a self critique but one given to me by friends.  So being a great listener gets me in trouble alot because I get stuck in between friends who have some form of disagreement going on.  I used to think..I would make an awesome therapist.  Now I just think hey I'm a good listener, but I can give bad advice!!!  I don't think I should be a therapist.

9. Drivers playing with other vehicles on the road.
My husband is the worlds worst at playing on the highway.  Someone ticks him off by following too close and I'll have whip lash by the time we get home.  Someone cuts him off...he get on their bumper or try to get around them.  Then if he is successful he finds the first slow moving car and paces with them.  The list goes on and on and I have these horrible nightmares about him being killed by road rage.  So husband's...word of warning.  It may be fun for you to mess with other drivers, but it's not fun for us.

10. Being told I read too much.
Really?  Is there any such thing as reading too much?  Am I going to go stupid or lose brain cells because I read too much?  Its the exact opposite.  I may bankrupt us in my pursuit of good reading material but how bad can reading too much really be?

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