Friday, May 11, 2012

What's up Buttercup? we have to get caught up on the life of husband reminded me today that he's still reading my blogs and he's catching up on my post.  So my goal today was to bang out several blog posts and then each day refine and proof-read then release...but I realized that I hadn't just blogged about everyday things for a couple of weeks and some interesting things have been happening.  So where to start???

I guess I'll start recently and go backwards:  This past weekend I took a three day weekend...YAY FOR MY AWESOME BOSS AND HER AWESOME MANUEVERING OF A REALLY SKETCHY SCHEDULE SO I COULD HAVE THOSE THREE DAYS OFF!!!!  Sorry...had to give mad props where they were seriously over due!!!   Anyways...we went camping at Camp Taloha outside of Pine Bluff, AR.  But its wasn't just any camping...we were SCA camping.  For those that don't husband and I are part of a group called the Society for Creative Anachronisms.  Basically, the SCA is a group of people who get together and recreate the Medieval's all the fun stuff, dancing, singing, fighting in armor, without the icky stuff like bubonic plague!!!  Most get really into it by creating and registering persona's which have been documented.  They take names that appeared around the same dates and make them historically accurate down to the age, place, and spelling.  Some even create their garb and go so far as to stitching it like they would have back in the day.  The boys did a lot of fighting.  My Russy pretty much got his butt handed to him, but he's seriously out of practice.  (They haven't fought in three years!!)  But his best friend Daniel did really well!!!  (But he's also been working out fanatically for a couple of months before hand.)  But I am so proud of my Russy because we all went to see a friend get Knighted and they had a competion anyone could fight him and if they won they got a coin from him in court.  Now this is pretty big cause most a never recognized in court.  Anyway...the weekend was fun and semi-relaxing.  Now if I can get a new air mattress before we go camping a Ouchita I think I'll be okay.  (Our current air mattress has the life span of 3 hours.  From firm to flat where your butt and lower back are on the ground and your sleeping jack knifed. Very unpleasant!)

My husband persona: Early Germanic- Alaric Hildebrant

Russ & Daniel or Alaric & Tristan suiting up for a day of fighting in the Lists.

Russy/Alaric receiving his coin from Sir Marvin (in red in the background.) Wanted to include this because you can see the how court is and the Royal Pavilion.  Russ/Alaric is on the right in the reddish tunic and John the Bellringer to his left.  They were the only ones out of 13 people who were able to beat Sir Marvin in a fight.

Before that nothing super duper has happened.  I went out to dinner with my Grandfather and cousin which we will be doing once a month now.  Had a lot of fun...and laughed like crazy.  Other than that I have been working my hiney off.  Going between two shifts isn't too easy.  I guess since I have gotten older sleep is more important to me.  I actually for the last three weeks been sleeping 12-14+ hours a day and waking up just in time to go to work and I still feel wrecked.  I'm thinking I need to see the Doctor about my thyroid cause all the signs point to it, plus with all the thyroid issues in my never hurts just to have it checked out. 

This weekend is a hope I don't sleep too much cause I have some cakes to make weekend.  My co-worker/wonder twin Chris' little butterball Cullen turned one last week so he commissioned me to make him some cakes.  He's the cuddley bear for work so of course I am making him bear cakes.  I have a 3D bear pan that I am making tonight...hopefully I'll have it decorated by Saturday.  Then I have miniture 2D bear pans that will be the personal cakes for Cullen and for the out of this world WOW factor...I am making a 3D gummy'll be my first time trying it so I am hoping that it turns wish me luck and also pray that I can stay awake tonight to bake them and get up early enough on Saturday to decorate them or else I will have to miss church to finish by Sunday and I really don't want to do that!!!  I will now leave you with a photo from a movie coming out that I am completely excited for!!!  And it doesn't hurt that the main character is right in line with my persona for the SCA!

Princess Merida

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