Wednesday, May 16, 2012

13/30 Things: Weak

13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
1. I worry about the most trivial things.
I don't know why I worry or why I can't stop worrying, but I know that it's unhealthy and not what God wanted for us.  It says several times in the bible that to be good children of God we shouldn't worry, but give it all to God.  Why I find that this struggle is one of my hard parts...I don't understand.

2. I fear the untimely demise of my husband.
Yes, my husband is considerably older than I am, but he is in fantastic health.  But that doesn't stop me from freaking out on him whenever he drives like a moron or when he does something with his friends that seems particularly dangerous.  I've had dreams where he's killed in a traffic accident when I am pregnant and since then I've been extremely distressed by the idea he could go before he's an old man.

3. I am obsessed with food.  
Food has always been my go to comfort.  I am currently in a battle to take the emotion out of eating and have been on a diet for six months now.  I am currently still struggling to break a barrier, but I am already healthier than I have been in a while and make better choices daily.

4. I give up too easily on things.
Sometimes when it comes to things like hobbies and changes in my life I quit too easily.  Things like if I start a reading plan in my bible I start out great and then slowly lose focus.  I've gone months without going to the gym.  I start life changes and it's like I get A.D.H.D. and the changes stop.

5. I turn into a hermit in cycles.
I tend to go through these cycles where I don't do anything but work and home or call any of my friends.  This inevitably leads to hurt feelings and people feeling like I'm pulling away, but it's just something that I've always done.  I can't explain it;  whether it's a depression thing or if its just some hormonal imbalance, but there you have it...only a small accounting of my many weaknesses.


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