Saturday, May 26, 2012

14/30 Things: Strengths

14. Describe 5 strengths you have:

1.  I am a great listener.  Again...sometimes horrible advice, but I listen like a boss....(I can't believe I just used that term!)

2.  I am a great wife!  Sometimes I doubt that I please my husband and pray that he doesn't leave me, but deep down I know that I am a loving wife and take care of him the best I can.  Sometimes that means not cleaning the house for 3 weeks and then deep cleaning in the middle of the night while he's asleep and I'm awake.  Or planning a BBQ spur of the moment cause we both have the time off.

3.  I am great with the public.  Like everyone sometimes I get disenchanted with my job and the people that come with it, but for the most part I am really great working with the public.  

4.  I am compassionate.  There are times when I just want everyone and everything to go away, but for the most part I cannot go through a day when I am not helping people.  Whether it's finding them a hotel that better suits their needs than mine or easing some financial burdens or even just being a shoulder to cry on when someone is hurt.  

5.  .......

I guess whenever I figure out the last one...I'll post an edit. 

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