Friday, May 11, 2012

12/30 Things: Day

12. Describe a day in your current life:

Okay so I'll start out with my schedule is right now and then show you how different it was up till about a month ago.

Get up around 9 am and have breakfast which normally consists of 2 medium eggs cooked some way...(hardboiled, scrambled, or fried, but not fried cause I'm on a diet really don't know how else to say it.) with either a slice of toast or some sort of fruit.  About this time it was normally 40 calorie slice of honey wheat with spray I can't believe it's not butter or manadrin oranges without sugar.

Around 10 am I was either going to gym or heading to weigh in appointment.

Back home about noonish to catch up on some DVR stuff and wait for Russ to get home.  During this time I would normally do laundry or try to pick up the house...more often than not though it really didn't make a huge difference cause it was like spot cleaning.

Russ got home around 1:30 pm and we would lay around a talk till I started getting ready for work.  Sometimes if life wasn't particularly interesting we would just do some chores around the house or he wouldn't even come home because he was washing a plane at work.  In which case we wouldn't even see each other.

2:00-2:15 I would start getting ready for work because I liked to get out of the house before 2:30-2:40.  I have to go through 2 school zones to get to the interstate to work and sometimes if I leave too late traffic is super bad.

Work from 3pm to 11pm which is very self explanitory...

Come home and normally hit the hay around 12:30 to 1 am.  During this time I would get groceries at walmart...bake a some more chores...and watch DVR things again.

Here lately because of a shift in my schedule and I believe health reasons my current schedule goes as follows...

Bed around 1 am

Wake up around 1 pm

Work from 3-11...

or if I work Night Audit

work from 11 pm to 7 am

sleep around 8 am to most times 4 or 5 pm...

get up for food around 5:30-6ish...

take a nap from 8 to 10

back up to get ready for work by 10:15-10:30ish...

As you can tell...I really want my old schedule back...I was more productive during the day and right now I just feel like husband gets mad at me because I'm sleeping all the time.  He says its because he knows it's not good for me...and I know that too...but when all your body wants to do is do you fight that??

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