Sunday, April 22, 2012

4/30 Things: Sixteen

4. List 10 Things you could tell your 16 year old self, if you could:

1) You can hold out for that special someone in your life.  When the time comes and you believe you've waited long enough and he's pretty fabulous...wait six months longer.  He will be your husband and the one who God has given you.  Waiting is hard, but the reward of waiting for even greater than you can imagine.  (You can't imagine how much I kick our butts for meeting "the one" just one month after giving up the wait!)

2) Never give up the eating habits that you have right now that mom works a lot!  You will spend hundreds of dollars trying to correct your eating habits that you have perfect right now!!!  Plus, you'll never have to go through the wardrobe that I have right now...

3) Never give those Levi acid wash jeans you got at the outlet mall in Denver to your sister.  If you've listened to should still fit into them and won't be turning it into a purse at my age.

4) Trust me when I say...even though you want to kill your sister now...she will become your best friend.  I know..."s'yea right!"  Don't get snotty lady!!!  She will; and she'll also give you your two most favorite people in the world outside of your husband...who you will spoil rotten and believe the sun rises and sets within them.

5)  It is okay to question Mom's faith.  She is allowed to believe what she wants, but what feels fundamentally wrong to you...probably is.  Don't wait until your late 20's to try another church...she's not going to kill you because you leave the faith...only if you stop being Christian...and so will I!  (Yes...we're inches away from time travel and I will come back and kick your booty!)

6)  Don't let your brother stop talking to you, either one of them.  Jason really needs you and so does Joe.

7) Never lose your childlike will spend years in ignorance, but once you figure out you've lost will become obsessed with getting it back and figuring out where you lost it.

8)  Don't be discouraged when your family forgets your sixteenth birthday.  This is going to be a tough year and that is only the beginning of the pile.  You will survive it and be a much stronger person because of it.  Don't dwell and try to figure out what you did wrong.  You really didn't do anything.

9)  Just follow your first inclination after high school and get your Bachelor's of Education.  Be a teacher!  Plus...take that 2 year teaching job in won't interfere with finding "the one," and be memories that I wish I had today.

10)  Never stop wearing your pageant heels.  I stopped for a couple of years and now anything over a kitten heel cause too much pain just walking around the house. 

1 comment:

  1. My dear you need to hurry up and get that time travel thing working... asap!
