Friday, January 6, 2012

While the Cats Away....

So the husband is gone this weekend to Iowa for a SPAD weekend with the boys. For those of you not in the know...SPAD is a form of foam airplanes that geeky boys who grew up still build and fly. They go on outings about 4 times a year in various places...have forum boards that they spend almost all their Internet time on...and specific online shops for all their SPAD wet dreaming. My husband just happens to be all these big "little boys" guru. He builds them, he flys them, and almost always wins their competitions. So much so that they've had him on many judging panels just to give the others a shot. Anyways, this weekend is one such weekend. Now normally this is when I would migrate to Oklahoma City or Rogers, AR to spend time with friends and family and try to forget the fact my "cookie" is not attached to my hip or at home waiting to be reattached. (Yes, even after almost three years of marriage its still hard to be apart.) But I've started a new job which requires me to work the weekends. Now Friday night and Saturday are going to be easy for me. I'll just pretend he's out washing an airplane and let both dogs sleep in bed with me. But Sunday will be the hard day. I'm off work and trying not to eat everything in sight. So I am looking for something to do and someone to do it with. I have some crafty ideas to do for cake decorating, but in the end I know that will be impossible. My kitchen is hiding under a mountain of dishes, clutter, and stain and varnish for my pantry that my husband built me. I've got one counter cleaned off, but I really need the table and the corner that has all my cake decorating items. I could go watch a movie, but I really don't want to go alone and there really isn't anything out that I absolutely just have to see. A friend said I should go visit my bestest friend in Rogers, but she's working on Sunday and if I go to my grandfathers I'll be driving home over the mountain in the dark. So I don't know what I'm going to do to bust the boredom of that day!

So this week was a lesson in endurance.

Monday: I had the energy and went for a two mile walk around my neighborhood. Absolutely loved it! I saw parts of my neighborhood that I'd never seen before and I've lived in it for four years. Well later that day there was absolutely nothing on TV so I decided to do a 20 minute Zumba workout.

Tuesday: Ended up switching shifts with a co-worker so I worked days. I was a little sore at the end of my shift but didn't think anything of it. Went home and Russ said he needed to clean the inside of a plane. I'm thinking a King Air so we can both fit in it and clean at the same time. So I wear leggings, a tube top, and this super thin cardi that's more pretty than functional. So I decide after walking around Home Depot and feeling the burn I'm going to sit in the truck and wait for him to finish because it won't be that long. He comes back five minutes later and says I thought you were going to help? I stared at him quizzically and he says you can hold the shot vac. So I climb out to hold the shot vac. The hose reaches into the cockpit quite nicely so he says you don't have to help, but since I'm already out I just stand there and hold it. Now everyone knows...if your cold your muscles clench trying to provide enough energy for heat. That was a huge mistake. By that evening I was in sweats, a sweater, thick socks and under three blankets not being able to move and thinking I was dying. Russ thought I was going to cook, I thought I was going to die and so for my last meal I asked for pizza. To be exact a thin crust, chicken, pineapple, and mushroom pizza. I was at least a little health conscious. So I noshed on half a large pizza and went to bed at nine pm.

Wednesday: I awake at ten thirty am...crawl to the couch and there I stay under blankets till it's time to start getting ready for work. I feel a little icky but not near as bad as Tuesday night...I'm already guilty about food so I make it a light lunch and dinner. After work...I'm feeling spunky so I decide to work out in our fitness center. The Elliptical was the only thing available. I spent 28 minutes in hell chewed me up and spit me out. But I finished...I just kept pushing through the pain.

Thursday: Uneventful...did 20 minutes of Zumba and was looking forward to 2 miles on the treadmill. Didn't make the I just went home and chilled.

Friday: Day of Reckoning people...I almost didn't go to weigh in. Finally right before I had to leave late or not go at all...I decided to put on some clothes and just face the piper. I got the stern looks, but my consultant was proud that to help undo the damage I did I worked out all week. And because of all that hard work....I lost.........2 pounds!

From Pizza Fest 2012 to losing 2 pounds, I'll take that any day.

So now the Elliptical is about to become my best friend. I know we will have a love hate relationship, but if it helps me to keep losing weight and not plateau for a week and a half...I will endure...I will survive...and I will make that machine my bi*#@.

Peace, Love, and Lip Gloss

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