Thursday, December 8, 2011


How to re-start a blog when you haven't written anything in over a year? A catch up...just pretend it never happened...or do you just keep giving up and ignore the fact you haven't posted in forever?! I chose to catch up and let you in on some stuff going on in my life!

First, when last I posted I had just received a promotion and was working as the Accounting Manager and Human Resource lady at my last hotel. Things went great for a long time. I had a blast learning the reports and how to do the taxes. But shortly after my rise to power (Muahahahahaaaa) things got really tight at the hotel. Money was short and so were people. My boss and I had to pull double and triple duty...not only doing the jobs of ourselves but desk clerks, sales people, maintenance and sometimes even housekeeping. Cassie in housekeeping is no bueno! She's completely OCD and takes forever to clean a room. So needless to say we were all working ourselves to death.
In all of this...Russ' dad passes away so we head up there to be with the family and all the while I'm freaking out because we have too much work to do at the hotel. Miraculously, they didn't call me once while I was up there...but I still worried.
We get back and get back into our routine and the boss tells us that they are trying to sell the hotel. WHAT????!!!! This goes on for about a month and then they come back with we're not selling but leasing the place. So for months after that we never know from day to day whether we had a job. Finally I, cant do this anymore and decided to get the heck out of there. Took a job at another hotel as a desk clerk...really loathing the hours, but loving the clientele, co-workers, and property!!!

Second, the week of Thanksgiving this year I join the Metabolic Research Center. I have until March to lose 50 pounds that go with my contract. I can of course add more time on to that if I need it, but really I don't think I am going to need it. But we'll see.... I have to take their High Nutrition Supplements, which to me are like sucking down kool-aid so it's a constant battle for me to say okay Cassie it's not time for a HNS yet! And they have creamy's which are like tomato soup, chicken soup, puddings, hot chocolate, and hello...I'm really not depriving myself here. I'm drinking on average13-16 glasses of water a day and as an added bonus...from Friday 12/02/11 to 12/06/11, I lost five freaking pounds...yup that's right folks....5 POUNDS!!!!! I couldn't believe it...I'm still rolling on a high. I take vitamins and some supplements that help me not be hungry, but the most drastic thing that they have "taken" from me is sugar and carbs. I'm allowed bread at breakfast and dinner, but they are low carb choices with a whole lot less calories...I eat more protein than anything and it's a freaking whole lot of work and struggle, but losing five pounds keeps me going. This week I don't think my Friday weigh in is going to be good for the simple fact I have been nibbling myself to death on stuff I shouldn't have and I've had four cookies. Spread out over two days, but I totally knew I shouldn't have had them, but did it anyways. So I'm looking for at least a pound....please let me have lost at least a pound...but really I would love to lose another three because then I would have met my first milestone. 10 pounds...that would be something. Plus...y'all...and I am not just "I see this cause I want to see this," but my size 22 clothes are tight, but I can now get into them. I used to not be able to get into them!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!

So a job...pretty swanky place, upper class people, and very awesome co-workers who I actually get to work with alot. (They team us up...awesome right?) and a fab diet where I have lost 7 pounds already since November 21, 2011. All in all been a rather exhausting, but exciting year...praying that shedding the weight helps with the whole baby issue, but we'll see. Right now it would just be nice to look fabulous, feel fabulous, and be able to shop for thrifty fabulous clothes!!!

Peace, Love, and Girl Scout Cookies!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! I love you and miss you like crazy. You keep loosing the weight and I'll try and keep mine steady. :)
