Saturday, December 24, 2011

Long Night

It's a little less than an hour until this night finally is over!!! YAY!!! And then just another hour after that til Christmas. I think I am glad that it's finally over because now I can buckle down and start to really concentrate on eating good and exercising. It's been a super long day and it's just going to be even longer tonight.

I have to go home and roast a about three hours. During that time I will be playing the role of the housekeeping fairy and while my dear husband sleeps I will be doing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry which hasn't been caught up in ages, cleaning the living room, and somewhere in all of that I plan on doing a work out video. Probably Hip Hop Abs because instead of 60 minutes its only 30 and I already know the moves so I can kinda mindlessly go through the motions.

**A HUGE BUMMER TODAY** I got my hair cut. I went in for a trim and came out with not only a drastic cut, but a new style too. I mean it looks completely different from what I normally look like. And my husband didn't notice it. I still haven't pointed it out to him and probably wont until we get to my grandfathers tomorrow. Someone else will point it out and he's gonna get all red faced.

Wasn't sure if I was going to do this today or just wait for another night to post this, but about a year...year and a half ago, I found this movie that is an open source movie project called Sita Sings the Blues. I re-watched it tonight and fell in love with it all over again. You definately definately have to watch this movie. It's about an hour and a half, but you will be laughing the whole way. Especially if you know the story of Rama and Sita from the Ramayana. I didn't and still laughed. Nina's take on the Ramayana is irreverant, which is hysterical. When I first watched it I was completely convinced that Nina was Indian and this was very historical. It took many hours of research to see just how crazy I was. Any's the link. Watch, enjoy, and thank me later!!!

Peace, Love, and LipGloss!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Christmas time again!!!

I am soooo completely excited. After deciding christmas was cancelled at our house...somehow I pulled it back out of the can. I bought this small live tree from Wal-Mart which already had decorations on it. We're planning on planting it this spring in the very back yard. I bought almost all my husbands gift with my own money. Which of course then left me short to get my supplements, but he's a sweetheart, so he's giving me the money to get those. AND....duhn duhn duhn!!!!! He got me this!!!!

It's ZUMBA!!!! I've wanted to do this for forever!!! Plus, this year all my gifts are centered around healthy stuff...I actually can't wait to get home and pop this beauty in the dvd player and do a work out...yea...I like 11:30 at night!!!!

As you can all see there have been some changes around the look, new style, new colors. Just thought I'd jazz it up a bit and maybe entice me to blog more about my recipies, weight loss, and fitness stuff. Anywhoo...gotta get ready for end of shift!!!

Peace, Love, and Lipgloss!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What a difference!

So it's finally here!!! I did it y'all! I hit the ten pound mark! I am currently 12 pounds lighter than I was a month ago. I've started to realize that too, clothes are fitting better, I have more energy to go out and do stuff...physical stuff. I've even tailored my Christmas to this new fascination with health. I'm getting a scale that not only measures me, but my BMI, water percentage and muscle weight. A complete set of Zumba DVD's...I'm so excited about this it's not even funny!!! And the starter set for Bare Minerals. With my new found appreciation in myself and my looks I have been wearing more make-up and trying to look fab every where I go. I'm still looking for my signature look, but I definitely am trying a lot of different colors and application techniques. I'm kinda excited because tomorrow I am taking my first trip to Sephora's in the mall. Really have been trying to hold off till after the Christmas rush, but I am sooo excited about Tarina Tarantino's new aurora borealis line that I really just can't wait any longer.

I've also decided to change my sign off phrase. Instead of Peace, Love, and Girlscout cookies...I am changing to Peace, Love, and Lipgloss. I am no longer the cookie fiend I used to be. (Its still hard, but I try.) And I wanted a new phrase to reflect the changes in my life. Also I have found my mid-goal outfit. I am currently trying to work my way into a size 20 denim dress from Lane Bryant's circa 2002-2003. I always felt fab and smokin' in that dress and I know that once I can fit and look "fine!" in that dress this journey will really be a success!

Anywhoo...really tired at work and need to grab another container of water and make my grocery list. Lots of new recipes to try! So I'm leaving you for another day or two until something significant happens or I find some interesting news again!

Peace, Love, and Lipgloss!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Controversial Religious Billboards

So after my last post I promised an interesting article...well here it is!!! I read on Yahoo! today about a small church in Auckland, New Zealand; St. Matthews-in-the-City Church that purchases a new billboard around the holidays every year. Each billboard is designed to make people stop and think. This years is causing such a ruckus that many are outraged, but Yahoo even featuring it on their front page news. I mean really people..Paris Jackson wanting to be an actress is better news than this thought provoking billboard? See for yourselves and you be the judge.

To me this billboard is at first funny and then yes it can be construed as controversial but for me it was thought provoking. I mean come on guys...put yourselves in Mary's shoes and think of the shock that she had to have felt when she found out she was pregnant. Yes, of course, she wouldn't have found out through a pregnancy test, but what better way to convey that moment. I, and many others feel that last years billboard was more controversial than this years....

The Churches website said about this years billboard;

"It’s real. Christmas is real. It’s about a real pregnancy, a real mother and a real child. It’s about real anxiety, courage and hope.
This billboard portrays Mary, Jesus’ mother, looking at a home pregnancy test kit revealing that she is pregnant. Regardless of any premonition, that discovery would have been shocking. Mary was unmarried, young, and poor. This pregnancy would shape her future. She was certainly not the first woman in this situation or the last.
As in the past it is our intention to avoid the sentimental, trite and expected to spark thought and conversation in the community. This year we hope to do so with an image and no words. We invite you to wonder what your caption might be.
Although the make-believe of Christmas is enjoyable - with tinsel, Santa, reindeer, and carols - there are also some realities. Many in our society are suffering: some through the lack of money, some through poor health, some through violence, and some through other hardships. The joy of Christmas is muted by anxiety.
In this season we encourage one another to be generous to those who suffer, to give to strangers, and to care for all – especially those who have the least. Like the first Santa, St Nicholas did.
We invite all who celebrate the season to hold these different strands of a real Christmas together: anxiety and joy, suffering and compassion, Santa and Jesus.

Birchbox (revised with photos)

I have this friend, she is uber gorgeous and very fashionable. She started getting these samples called birchbox. Lord only knows how she found out about it, but I am thankful that she did. After several months of staring in awe at her youtube videos about all the wonderful samples she got...I decided to sign up for birchbox too! My first box came in November.

November's box was called "Getting Gifty" and had Jouer Lip Enhancer, Kate Spade New York Twirl Perfume, Thymes Eucalyptus, and Kimono Rose body lotion, Zoya Nail Polish in Noel, and an Alex and Isabelle Classic Hair Tie. I guess lets take it product at a time and later I will post some pictures to go with my reviews.

Jouer Lip Enhancer: this small tube packs a wallop let me tell you that. It is supposed to hydrate, plump, and condition lips. It did hydrate and condition my lips. I noticed that after several uses my lips were softer. My husband (the jury) is still out on how much they actually work. I never did see any evidence of plumping going on though.

Kate Spade New York Twirl Perfume: I have used this perfume on several occasions from dressy events to a small get together with friends. It's a little strong at first for me, but after about 30 minutes you get used to the scent and it's not so much. I had a lot of friends comment that it was a wonderful smell and much different than what I normally I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I am trying to branch out.

Thymes Eucalyptus, & Kimono Rose Body Lotion: I LOVE the Eucalyptus body lotion. It leaves my hand soooo soft and they smell really good too. I use just a little bit at a time and it really does cover all my hands. I haven't used the Kimono Rose body lotion yet, but I have a Christmas party coming up and I will probably use it as my scent for the afternoon. I'll get back to you on how it smells.

Zoya Nail Polish in Noel: It's blue. Now normally I don't wear really off the wall colors like this, but I gave it a chance. It's a very pretty blue almost teal color and it covers pretty well in just one application. I didn't use a top coat over it and it started chipping in about three days, but for me that is really good. Most polish I wear without a top coat starts coming off after a day.

Alex and Isabelle Classic Hair Tie: Now I have super short hair right now so I was unable to use the hair tie. But really even if I had longer hair I don't think I would use this. It looked like a piece of elastic band that just happened to be colored that they tied in a knot at one end. When it came in the box it was wrapped around the Kate Spade scent and I actually thought it was just decoration for the box!

All in all, I really liked Novembers box, but I have to say the hair tie really made my first impression of the box...not so great.

On to Decembers box!!!! When you first open the box it's all festive with snow flakes and shimmering wrap. LOVED IT!!!! (Can you hear my excitement?) December's Box was called "Frolic & Fancy." It had Benefit Cosmetics The POREfessional, Harvey Prince Ageless Perfume, Jouer Moisturizing Lip Gloss in Birchbox Pink, Orofluido Beauty Elixir, Prep ShowStoppers Designer Fashion Tape, and ReCharge EBoost Orange Natural Energy Booster.

Benefit Cosmetics The POREfessional: Is supposed to minimize the appearance of pores. It can be worn under or over makeup. I haven't tried it yet...partly because I don't have really noticeable pores and also because I don't wear a lot of makeup or foundations. I am giving this to my sister to try and I will get back with you on this review. The one thing I can say though, is it smells really nice. It doesn't have a medicated or perfume like smell. Very fresh and natural.

Harvey Prince Ageless Perfume: Like the last perfume I LOVED IT!!!! I have to say to pick between the two...I'd go with Ageless. I wear more musky type perfume and Ageless takes my musky type perfume and mixes it with grapefruit, pomegranate, and jasmine. Oh, how I love this!!! I've actually asked for this for Christmas. But, alas, I don't believe I will be getting it because it's a bit expensive and a little late to be ordering it. Who knows...Valentines is right around the corner though!

Jouer Moisturizing Lip Gloss in Birchbox Pink: I was completely excited when I got to the lip gloss. I am crazy over pink, especially hot pink. It looks hot pink on the outside, but when you put it on you get these very lightly shaded pink glossy lips. I use it at work for a very glossy look, but you can build on the layers and go for a very vibrant pink. I think I'll try that one at home first.

Orofluido Beauty Elixir: This is an oil treatment for your hair. I don't like really heavily scented vanilla things. I have a friend who wears Vanilla Musk and spend an hour with her sends me home with a migraine for a day. This is another one of those things that I will pass off to a family member or friend to try and get a review for you later. I don't want to take the chance of using this and then triggering a migraine that follows me.

Prep ShowStoppers Designer Fashion Tape: These are just simply double sided tape strips that help your clothing stay in place. Normally I wouldn't even think about something like this because I am a fluffy lady so my clothes normally don't have any problems staying where I put them, but I have been losing weight and I have a Christmas party this weekend. If I can still semi-fit in the dress I am planning on wearing, I will try the tape and get back with you. Either that or again it will be passed off to another reviewer.

ReCharge EBoost Orange Natural Energy Booster: Orange powder drink that is supposed to help you bounce back after a night of partying. Haven't used it and frankly, probably won't either. My diet has me on high nutrient drinks and no alcohol so I don't really need to bounce back from anything just yet.

Well that's it for now folks. Looking forward to January's birchbox and taking some photos to put with this blog. I'm also working on doing some blogging about interesting facts...maybe I'll find something tonight and post again...Who knows?!

Peace, Love, and Girlscout Cookies!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


How to re-start a blog when you haven't written anything in over a year? A catch up...just pretend it never happened...or do you just keep giving up and ignore the fact you haven't posted in forever?! I chose to catch up and let you in on some stuff going on in my life!

First, when last I posted I had just received a promotion and was working as the Accounting Manager and Human Resource lady at my last hotel. Things went great for a long time. I had a blast learning the reports and how to do the taxes. But shortly after my rise to power (Muahahahahaaaa) things got really tight at the hotel. Money was short and so were people. My boss and I had to pull double and triple duty...not only doing the jobs of ourselves but desk clerks, sales people, maintenance and sometimes even housekeeping. Cassie in housekeeping is no bueno! She's completely OCD and takes forever to clean a room. So needless to say we were all working ourselves to death.
In all of this...Russ' dad passes away so we head up there to be with the family and all the while I'm freaking out because we have too much work to do at the hotel. Miraculously, they didn't call me once while I was up there...but I still worried.
We get back and get back into our routine and the boss tells us that they are trying to sell the hotel. WHAT????!!!! This goes on for about a month and then they come back with we're not selling but leasing the place. So for months after that we never know from day to day whether we had a job. Finally I, cant do this anymore and decided to get the heck out of there. Took a job at another hotel as a desk clerk...really loathing the hours, but loving the clientele, co-workers, and property!!!

Second, the week of Thanksgiving this year I join the Metabolic Research Center. I have until March to lose 50 pounds that go with my contract. I can of course add more time on to that if I need it, but really I don't think I am going to need it. But we'll see.... I have to take their High Nutrition Supplements, which to me are like sucking down kool-aid so it's a constant battle for me to say okay Cassie it's not time for a HNS yet! And they have creamy's which are like tomato soup, chicken soup, puddings, hot chocolate, and hello...I'm really not depriving myself here. I'm drinking on average13-16 glasses of water a day and as an added bonus...from Friday 12/02/11 to 12/06/11, I lost five freaking pounds...yup that's right folks....5 POUNDS!!!!! I couldn't believe it...I'm still rolling on a high. I take vitamins and some supplements that help me not be hungry, but the most drastic thing that they have "taken" from me is sugar and carbs. I'm allowed bread at breakfast and dinner, but they are low carb choices with a whole lot less calories...I eat more protein than anything and it's a freaking whole lot of work and struggle, but losing five pounds keeps me going. This week I don't think my Friday weigh in is going to be good for the simple fact I have been nibbling myself to death on stuff I shouldn't have and I've had four cookies. Spread out over two days, but I totally knew I shouldn't have had them, but did it anyways. So I'm looking for at least a pound....please let me have lost at least a pound...but really I would love to lose another three because then I would have met my first milestone. 10 pounds...that would be something. Plus...y'all...and I am not just "I see this cause I want to see this," but my size 22 clothes are tight, but I can now get into them. I used to not be able to get into them!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!

So a job...pretty swanky place, upper class people, and very awesome co-workers who I actually get to work with alot. (They team us up...awesome right?) and a fab diet where I have lost 7 pounds already since November 21, 2011. All in all been a rather exhausting, but exciting year...praying that shedding the weight helps with the whole baby issue, but we'll see. Right now it would just be nice to look fabulous, feel fabulous, and be able to shop for thrifty fabulous clothes!!!

Peace, Love, and Girl Scout Cookies!!!