Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation 2"

Oh.My.Goodness!!! What to say about this little gem...What do you get when you cross two of the best sci-fi stories together? A total and complete nerd melt down.  This is written in a comic book/manga style and incorporates all your favorite characters from both worlds.  

We begin with a joint invasion by the Borg and Cybermen.  The Doctor after saving a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt; promises to take Pond and Rory somewhere special.  They arrive in San Fransisco in the late 40's. Unbeknownst to them it's actually a new simulation in the holodeck aboard the Enterprise.  Witty remarks and cut scenes occur until the Doctor and Jean Luc Piccard actually come face to face.  They find out what their up against and as an added bonus, ::SPOILER:: We find out the Doctor actually met James T. Kirk! Did you know that?  I sure didn't!!!  Anyways, this was a great hours distraction and I can't wait for the finish of this story line.  Of course, that's always the worst part with comics is they leave you hanging for more!!!  It'll be released on October 2, 2012 and I would suggest every Star Trek and Doctor Who-phile go pick up your copy...I know I will!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"The Reluctant Amazon" by Sandy James

I have been gifted with a monumental discovery.  I have become a part of a website called Net Galley which features book that haven't been published.  For my unbiased review I get to read these awesome novels and tell you my small amount of readers about them...It is my hope that you share these finds with your friends and go out and get these awesome novels!!!  Here's my first review about "The Reluctant Amazon" by Sandy James.

Rebecca's life is about to change. In one day she goes from ex-fiancee dumped at the alter to a zombie (almost) slaying Amazon. In this new life she meets a new family full of sisters and a hunky Scottish trainer who she can't stop thinking about and who won't stop yelling at her or beating her up. The only downside to this kick butt life? She can never marry or bear children.

When the zombie attacks become more frequent and her sisters go missing; Can she become the Amazon she was destined to be? Or will she be sent home in disgrace?

I was so excited to read this book! And I wasn't disappointed either. From the moment I picked it up I was sucked into Rebecca's world. Those to me are the best kind of novels. The love story I knew what was coming but the super hero theme and the ultimate villain kept me guessing until the end. All in all...I can't wait to read the second novel in this series! All that's left to say is...Bravo Sandy James, Bravo!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Key of Knowledge" by Nora Roberts

The second installment in Nora Roberts Key series is just as fantastic as the first.  This book centers on Dana's journey for the key.  Dana's journey isn't your routine fairy tale romance.  Dana has been in love with Jordan since they were kids and he walked out on her many, many years before.  Like Malory; Dana loses her place in life and has to start fresh.  Put Jordan walking back into her life and the search for the key and Dana is overloaded before we know it. 

I think Dana's story really stuck with me the most.  In another life I would probably be a librarian and to Dana that is the perfect job.  Since I read both the first and the second book before this I am actually pretty stoked I can finally start the third book entitled "Key of Valor."  This is Zoe's story!!!

Book One: Finding and Catching Love
Book Two: Overcoming past hurts and accepting love
Book Three: ?? But I believe it'll be believing True Love can exist.

Go Check It Out!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Key of Light" by Nora Roberts

I wanted to share with you today a new series that I have recently purchased.  A couple of years ago I ran across two books by Nora Roberts that were the first and second book in a trilogy called the Key Series.
Books are out of order here.  Key of Valor is #3.
The first novel titled "Key of Light" by Nora Roberts is about three woman who are brought together by Rowena and Pitte.  The tell them each about a Celtic legend called the Daughters of Glass, whose parents were a God behind the curtain of power and a mortal woman whom he fell in love with.  The daughters were demi-gods and because of certain powers that didn't like this...their souls were stolen and put into a glass box.  Now it's up to the three woman to find three keys that will unlock the box.

First up is Malory and this is her story.  As an art gallery manager she can be around the one thing that she absolutely adores but cannot  Her life is just about perfect and add an invitation to cocktails with the new owners of Warrior's Peak, what could go wrong?  There she meets Dana and Zoe who are soon to become her new best friends.  She agrees to help out with this quest and soon finds herself in some hot water from an unknown foe.  Throw in a hottie named Flynn and irascible dog named Moe and you have the perfect start to a great trilogy.

I like that the main theme is once you find the courage to love you can accept whatever is thrown your way.  Throw in some Celtic folklore and of course it's my favorite new series!!!

So please...don't take my word for it; Run don't walk to your nearest book store or amazon for your kindle and find out how Malory gets her man and her key in "Key of Light" by Nora Roberts!