Thursday, April 26, 2012

Crisis/Drama Averted...I think?

Well lovies it's been a long week so far here in my little bit of the world.  Between working weird shifts for a while and taking advantage of said weird shifts to spend a little extra time with my sleep has been off, so I've felt like poo.  No literally people...poo.

I've been noticing my back has been really itchy for a bit and a couple of days ago noticed this huge welt on my back...seriously ewww inducing welt.  (Was going to insert picture here; but decided it might be a little too much sharing...)  Anyways, after several people looking at it telling me to go see a Doc and Russ urging me too...I went yesterday morning.

After waiting in a room for an hour my Doc finally shows up. Looks at it and says...yea it's definitely a bite, but I don't think its from a spider.  Have you been in the woods lately. not really??  (Insert flash back to anniversary in Branson and spontaneous hike in the woods!) So I'm like wait...could it have been like a little over a week ago.  I was in Branson on Monday and we went on a hike then, but that's it.  She said yup...that would be it.  So it's a tick bite.  And there's actually two of them that are just a little more so than the other.  So now not only am I taking some serious antibiotics...which make me...laugh upon laugh...sensitive to the sun, but I also have to be rubbed down three times a day with bactracin, which is an antibiotic ointment like neosporin.  Which is okay cause I grew up with that stuff so no love lost there.  Plus, I have been admonished on letting my tetanus booster go for so long and told to get that okay...when you come hold my hand while some strange person pokes me with a needle...I don't care if you write me a prescription for it...probably not gonna happen!  And also told to watch for signs of....GASP!!!!....Lyme disease.  So yea...if I get a fever, headache, or flu like symptoms...or a ring around my bite sites...I have to go have a test run.  

Now I did a report in school about a billion years ago on Lyme Disease and one of the biggest things that jumped out at me then was most people went undiagnosed for years before finally getting help.  Most people didn't fit the symptom list for Lyme disease so doctors wouldn't test them.  So now I am totally freaking out.  Because and this is big...I don't know if I've actually had flu like symptoms, or headaches, or just aches because of the bite or if any of this can be attributed to my crazy work schedule here lately.  Luckily, I haven't had any aches (unless I touch it) or flu like symptoms, but I have had a headache.  I guess really at this point I am just watching the bites really closely for a ring around them and researching Lyme Disease to death.  

On the upside...they hired someone at work today!!!  YAY!!!  So my schedule should be going back to normal rotating Saturday's off!!!  YAY!!!  Work is gonna be harsh for the next two weeks, but there are a couple of things to look forward to.  
1)  Going to dinner with Grandpa and Cousin Michelle on Monday and;

2)  Going camping next weekend.  It's really an SCA event called Candlelight in Pine Bluff, but it's camping, and it's gonna be freaking awesome!!!! So I will leave you with's a photo of Russy at an SCA event called Diamond Wars in 2007.  He was armoring up for battle!

Getting ready for battle!
At fighter practice...Russy on right and his best friend Daniel on left.

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