Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I was bored at work tonight and found this on the web...thought I would fill it out. Enjoy! Also...fixing to make an order of decorated cookies a little girls birthday party! I'll post pictures as soon as their done!

What is your favorite book? Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
What is your favorite movie? Howl's Moving Castle
What is your favorite song? Currently it's Make Me New by Gunger
Who is your hero? My mother in law. The things she's lived through...
If you could be any character from literature or film, who would you be?
If you could have one super power, what would it be? Super Speed
If you could have three wishes, what would they be? To cure illnesses, Make myself skinnier, To pay off all our bills.
What is your favorite color? Hot Pink...duh!
Who is your best friend? I have several...Tiffany R, Ashley D, Lyndsey R, Amy P
How many kids do you want to have when you grow up? I want to have four or five.

What are your favorite boy & girl names? Boy: Baylor Lee Girl: Bronwyn Isabelle
What is your favorite game? Carcassone
Who is your favorite actor? Gerard Butler
Who is your favorite actress? Amy Adams
What was your first word? huh...I don't know
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher
Where do you want to go to college? I wanted to go to Cornell in NYC.
What are you good at? Being a hotel clerk.
What is your favorite city in the world? Dublin, Ireland
What is your favorite food? I love this Sloppy Joe Tater Tot Casserole I make that is completely unhealthy!
Reading or Writing? Reading
TV or Sports? TV
Theatre or Cinema? Theatre, but here lately the cinema
What is your favorite time of year? Fall
What do you call your grandmother? Gram
Do you have any nicknames? Kiki, Cupcake
If you could be any animal, which would you be? A bird
What is your favorite subject in school? I loved history! And Orchestra
Who is your favorite teacher? Mr. Thellman my orchestra conductor
How many friends do you have on facebook? Alot, but the great thing is I know them all personally!
How many of those people do you actually talk to? Not so many...I tend to be a hermit.
What is your favorite type of music? Pop, Rock, anything with a good dancing beat.
What is your earliest memory? Being thrown down a flight of stairs by my babysitter.
Do you think there is life after death? in heaven with Christ.
Do you believe in miracles? Yes..they can happen.
Do you believe in love at first sight? I do...although I've never experienced it.
Do you believe that everyone has a purpose? If so, what is yours? Yes, to be a mom.
What is your favorite hobby? Reading, baking, cake decorating, and scrapbooking.
What is the last book you read? The Golden Compass
Did you enjoy it? took me a while to read it, but I loved it.
What is the last movie you saw? Apollo 18
Did you enjoy it? Nope...really stupid
Earrings of Bracelets? Earrings
Jeans or Skirts? Jeans
Do you collect anything? Yes...cake decorating stuff, scrapbooking stuff, and cook books.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Juggling teaching and being a mom
...In 20 years? Finishing up my doctorate
...In 50 years? Resting comfortably in my retirement home waiting to go home to be with Russ.
What is your favorite restaurant? Right now...Chick-fil-a. It has the healthiest thing I can eat right now.
What is your fondest memory? The day I married Russ...
What gives you the most joy? Being with Russ and feeding people.
If you could visit any country, where would you go? IRELAND BABY!!!!!
What is one of your dreams/goals? To be a mom.
Have you ever failed a class? Yup!
Have you ever gotten a 100 in a class? Oh yea!
Do you have any scars? Yup!
How did you get them? My step brother threw a wooden puzzle board at my head...
Have you ever been to the hospital? Yup.
Have you ever stayed up all night?'s not as exciting as it sounds.
Do you cook anything well? Desserts

Apparantly this was made for someone still in school, but it wasted about an hour so I'm completely okay with that. Plus, y'all know me a bit more than when we first started.

Peace, Love, and LipGloss

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