Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Christmas time again!!!

I am soooo completely excited. After deciding christmas was cancelled at our house...somehow I pulled it back out of the can. I bought this small live tree from Wal-Mart which already had decorations on it. We're planning on planting it this spring in the very back yard. I bought almost all my husbands gift with my own money. Which of course then left me short to get my supplements, but he's a sweetheart, so he's giving me the money to get those. AND....duhn duhn duhn!!!!! He got me this!!!!

It's ZUMBA!!!! I've wanted to do this for forever!!! Plus, this year all my gifts are centered around healthy stuff...I actually can't wait to get home and pop this beauty in the dvd player and do a work out...yea...I like 11:30 at night!!!!

As you can all see there have been some changes around the look, new style, new colors. Just thought I'd jazz it up a bit and maybe entice me to blog more about my recipies, weight loss, and fitness stuff. Anywhoo...gotta get ready for end of shift!!!

Peace, Love, and Lipgloss!!!

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