Sunday, March 21, 2010

Financial Peace University

So today was the first class of Financial Peace University. With all the snow that fell, which happened to be more on the south side of town where my church is located it was kinda tricky. My friend couldn't go with me because she was snowed in outside of town, so I asked the hubby to go with me. He wasn't really interested and we kinda had a tiff about it. Didn't argue or anything, but he knew I was upset and I didn't beg or plead...nor did I ask him to please go with me because it was something I wanted. I realized afterwards that I was being a big butt about it, but still it was something that I thought we should be doing together.

Anyways, class scared me and made me think. There were things that Dave Ramsey talks about that we exactly the same things I had done or thought. I came straight home and cried and talked with hubby about how I thought we should do this together. I wanted him to come to one class...just one and if he still didn't like it then he could just listen to the audio cd's at home and do it that way. He was amenable to that. Dave wants you to cut up your credit cards...but I can't do that. It only has a $300 limit, which by the way is five dollars from maxed, but still...I am going to pay that down and until we have a safety net, we need that cushion for emergencies or my new way of thinking...GOK....God Only Knows. Our savings which was started about a month ago has become the GOK fund. And it will expand exponentially. So those are the plans...have a lot to do tomorrow...clean house...many loads of bills...and cut down on the cable...hopefully save about $50 a month. Lots to do and I am wiped. So it's off to beddy bye for me.

Peace, Love, and Girl Scout Cookies

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