Thursday, April 4, 2013


Oh the magic of friends...

I've had such an out pouring of love and friendship that last couple of weeks that it just makes my heart happy.  I have been facebook free for 2 weeks now...and really haven't missed it.  It's a little hard keeping up with my cake page, but to be honest I don't get a lot of traffic through there anyways. 

Last Friday Russ and I were able to take a spur of the moment trip to Tulsa with Daniel and Laura.  We all rode up there in their Jeep.  Thankfully they let me ride up front or else we would have had some issues.  We all shared in the gas and was actually a really fun trip!  We started out at Tandy Leather.  I bought a Celtic knot work buckle set and a strap of leather that Russ will be turning into my belt for me for SCA.  Laura and I played around with the stampers and I discovered I'm totally okay with my belt being plain except for the buckle cause stamping leather is RIDICULOUS!!!!  It's not hard per say...but time consuming and I never really got the hang of it and I definitely don't want a messed up belt. 

So while I was being rung up in the shop Russ decided to head over to a hobby shop that was in the same plaza we had visited 2 years before while on our anniversary trip to Tulsa.  Daniel drove Laura and I over there and we walked to Walgreen's while they played.  We apparently didn't take enough time in Walgreen's and ended up walking around the little shopping center and then going back to the hobby shop and staring at the boys to tell them it's time to go.

We left there and travelled all the way through Tulsa to Jenks (which is a suburb) to go to the Aquarium.  I've got tons of pictures but haven't had time to upload them and mess with the pictures yet so I'll upload those in a completely different post.  We played with shrimp, touched star fish, watched all the fishes and Daniel even got a beaver to keep in his pocket.  Very much an inside joke...after the aquarium we were all starving so we headed to Red Robin. 

Now for those not in the know...our friend Laura is a somewhat picky eater.  If it isn't yellow, brown, and sometimes doesn't go in her mouth.  So most times when we go out...she sticks with a burger.  Hence, Red Robin.  It is the mecca of burger eaters and should have pleased her.  So what did she order?  A plain Bacon Cheeseburger.  Really?  You can get a bacon cheeseburger at any roadside diner and flop house go to the hamburger heaven and you go simple?!!!   Needless to say we had great fun teasing her about that.

We hit Barnes & Noble so I could check out the Doctor Who stuff.  (Not that much)  Went to the Promenade Mall across the road from it....which was pretty lame.  We were headed to the Woodland Hills Mall and noticed the time.  Since we wanted to get out of town before evening traffic started we decided to hit a game store on the way out of town.  We chose Wizards Asylum because it was closer to us that Top Deck and I am so glad we did!!!  We found Last Night on Earth which is a game Russ and I have been dying to purchase and play since we saw Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day play it on Table Top with Garfunkel & Oats.  I've been studying up on the rules so hopefully we can play it this Saturday at our game night coming up!!!  Their game section was smallish, but man was it packed with so many selections I think I've found where Russ and I will continue to go whenever we go back.  We're hoping to some day hit Top Deck and see what they have, but will definitely be back to Wizards. 

Now for the last bit of of Wednesday last week...Russ and I...are debt free!!!!  After the start of the year that we had; to be able to say that is freeing!  Now granted we are taking a risk by cashing out his retirement, but if we hadn't...on top of house payment and utilities we'd be shelling out a whooping $600 in payments to credit cards and student loans.  There was no way we could do it.  By using his retirement we now not only can make it on one income and his unemployment, but we've started to sock away money in the savings account at an alarming rate.  The idea is to live as frugally as we can and get his retirement built back up.  I'm also hoping we can hit up some fertility doctors and maybe make us a baby!