Saturday, December 22, 2012

Life Changes with a little change left over...

I guess today I need to update everyone with what's been going on.  When I think about the last time I blogged I shudder with the recounting of everything thats happened since then. 

1) In November we got the whispers of our hotel being sold.  No one knew for sure what was going on, but everyone knew we were for sale....
2) My favorite holiday of the year and I ended up missing it because I had to work.  I missed my Granny's dinner cause she eats early.  Even after she specifically asked me to come.  (Made me feel like the worst grandkid in history.)  Story ends up well though because Mom ended up pulling a dinner together on a shoe string budget and we had a family thanksgiving for the first time in like a million was actually really really nice...

Reunited and it feels so good....

3) Went to the dentists for a second time and still have yet to hear from them about how much everything they want to do to me is gonna cost me.  I think it's time for a second opinion and make sure they know up front I want a running total of costs and what insurance is going to cover.
4) On a wednesday in December my grandfather had his second heart attack.  But instead of calling the family to come help him...he waits until that Saturday when he's released to call the family and let them know what happened.  On one hand I understand why he waited.  Most the kids were out of state and really couldn't have done anything if they tried and the others are drama queens and he just didnt want that hovering over him.
5) About a week later my grandmother from the other side of my family had a heart attack as well.  We were all notified right away.  And I finally got down to see her.  Russ gave me permission to go see her more (no it's not like I had to get permission to see her, but it's more like permission to use more money for gas to go see her.) 
6) The hotel sale went through and we have new owners.  I can't wait to see what new information they can teach me and hopefully the opportunities it will open up. 
7) Russ agreed to go with me to England in Feb of 2013 so I am busy planning that.  We both really have to get on the savings.  I know he'll let me go by myself, but it just wouldn't be the same.  Although, I guess I could get a lot more traveling done that I want to do if I'm only paying for one and just pleasing myself. 
8) Tonights our holiday christmas party...I've made a cake with snow men playing around in the snow.  I can't wait for people to see it.  It does look ameturish, but I kinda threw it together last minute, but I think it's absolutely ADORKABLE!!!!